Protest held at FL Supreme Court as 15 week abortion ban case heard

On the 8th of September, protesters gathered at Florida’s Supreme Court as arguments were heard in the 15 week abortion ban challenge. The outcome of this case will determine whether DeSantis’s 6 week ban ever goes into effect or not. DeSantis has packed the court, knowing this could undermine his agenda.

Many of the protesters are active in the ballot initiative campaign that if passed will overturn all of Florida’s abortion laws and prevent DeSantis from attempting to bring them back. DeSantis is expected to attempt by all means to cheat and keep this off the ballot, but if he fails a major part of his agenda will be defeated.

Fl State House candidate Bonnie Patterson-James (Polk County) spoke at the rally about having had to have an abortion herself earlier in the race. Bringing this up is a middle finger to her opponent Jennifer Canady, an antiabortion Repugnican known for using taxpayer funds to subsidize fake (“faith-based”) clinics.

A speaker from Louisiana spoke on the importance of FL, where the worst abortion laws have been held up by court challenges. People needing abortions have travelled from as far away as Louisiana for healthcare. As of now, Florida is a crucial strategic location for both sides, as the status quo in Florida greatly weakens the ability of the GOP to enforce abortion bans from Texas all the way to Virginia. From the Virginia line north, New York is the final fallback position for surgical abortion.

In addition, a defeat of the GOP in either the FL Supreme Court or the ballot initiative will be a warning to prosecutors seeking to bring charges against people assisting those needing out of state abortions in ALL of the GOP states. Prosecutors are chomping at the bit to start bringing more cases for this but so far have been mostly but not entirely held back by political and social peace considerations.

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