Christian Nationlist/ MAGA events in DC and PA show Trump again able to mobilize street soldiers

Two events one on the Mall in DC on Oct 12 and one at a warehouse-sized gun shop and shooting range in PA showcased Trump’s again rising ability to summon forth his street soldiers.

Update: NPR confirms DC event organizers Jenny Donnally and Lou Eagle are “connected” to NAR (New Apostolic Reformation).

The DC event was the “A Million Women” prayer event attacking abortion and the right of transgender folks to exist. Their “don’t mess with our kids” message is an explicit demand that the rights of trans kids NOT be recognized by school systems and heathcare providers.

Some pointed out that they missed their turnout goals big-time, filling only one panel of the Mall while their extra screens and speakers sat in empty panels. This is still thousands of Christian nationalists calling for genocide and for roundups over abortion though. Presumably all of these folks will be at least voting for trump and some of them fighting for him too. Lots of the fundamentalists on the Mass were videoed raising their arms in what sure looked like mass Nazi saluting.

An even more menacing event took place at Kahr Arms / TommyGun Warehouse in Greeley, PA:


At this event, Rod of Iron pastor Sean Moon received what again sure looked like Nazi salutes from a crowded warehouse. Attendees included former US General Flynn, who called for military tribunals and even executions of officials who have stood against Trump. Ivan Railkin (who wants to be Trump’s “Minister of Retribution”) was videoed shooting a .308 rifle with an apparent suppressor, then talking about shooting the “deep state” in the heart.

This sort of talk and training has nothing to do with an electoral campaign and everything to do with a military one in the context of anything from a coup attempt to a civil war.

Speaking of civil war and secession, four days ago Frida Ghitis on threads (not linked from here as they are owned by Meta) predicted W Va would refuse to recognize the election results if Trump loses. I have received the same report from other sources.

We should assume Trump will be able to muster at least as many street soldiers this time around as in 2020, even with all those Proud Boys in prison.

On top of all else, at his Friday event in Aurora, Colorado, Trump brazenly invoked the laws used for internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII as legal grounds for mass roundups and mass deportations of migrants.


There is nothing peaceful about any of this shit folks, and the election is still 24 days away.

Internet Archive down due to DDOS attacks

You may have noticed videos here cannot be loaded for the past couple days. This is due to a determined DDOS attack on where they are hosted. The likely suspects in this attack are allies of book publisher Hatchette, allies of the RIAA, and allies of the MPAA. All of these suspects would be acting for copythugging reasons.

Hatchette was lead plaintiff in a major copythug lawsuit against’s lending of electronic books. There were several other publishers involved by Hatchette was the lead plaintiff and worst offender. Please DO NOT BUY any book published by Hatchette, torrent it instead.

More details from DC including statement by Samuel Mena Jr III, the journalist FIRED BY CBS for setting his own left arm on fire at the Oct 5 protest for Palestine

We have more coming from DC about CBS Journalist Samuel Mena Jr III, who was so disgusted by the “both sides” fake “journalism” his bosses had him peddling that he set his left arm on fire at the Oct 5 DC protest for Palestine. He did so to these words:

“To the 10 thousand children in Gaza that have lost a limb in this conflict, I give my left arm to you. I pray my voice was able to raise up yours, and that your smiles never disappear”

Note that CBS fired him for essentially doing his job by bringing attention to what may be the 21st century’s worst genocide so far. At last report his is still in the hospital for burn treatment. Let’s hope prosecutors don’t try anything nasty in this case.

His full statement has been posted to (copy in reserve in case it gets taken down) and it ends with the same words above that he used in public This part of his statement is also critical:

“How many Palestinians were killed that I allowed to be branded as Hamas? How many men, women, and children were struck with a missile cosigned by the American media? Cosigned by “Samuel Mena Jr?” I joined this industry to serve the people of the state of Arizona that I call home. And now, I understand the reality that is maintaining face for the American Empire.

How much more of our history have I swept under the rug because I was told it was in the past? For how much of my life, was I groomed to aid in facilitating settler colonialism?

Does Hawaii see us as her friend, or does she, along with every other coastal Island, see us as their captors? Did we end World War 2 with the Atomic bomb, or did we become the worlds greatest fear? Where are the history books written by Native Americans?

Am I a product of a misinformation campaign? And if I am, what hope is there for the American people?”

From Oct 7 in Orlando: Speakers outside City Hall for Palestine

As a public hearing inside was cut short to avoid public comment, pro-Palestine activists spoke outside Orlando’s City Hall.

Not in the video below is the unprovoked police attack and arrest of a UCF SDS member on spurious charges.

I was unable to film this in person, as the heavy traffic saturating I-4 had already begun. Thus this video is reposted from the UCF Divestment Coalition Instagram via the 3ed party frontend

National day of action: pro-Palestine marchers take to the street in Tampa

On the 5th of October, pro-Palestine marchers took to the streets in Tampa, FL to condemn Israel’s attacks on Palestine and Lebanon, and US aid for that war. This was an expllcitly pro-resistance march. With resistance fighters in Lebanon inflicting serious losses against Israeli ground attacks on to Lebanon, protester added a new chant. This chant (on the video) is “Lebanon make us proud-take another soldier down!” I think we shall hear a lot of that one going forward.

The 5th of October was a national day of action for Palestine and Lebanon. This was the Saturday closest to the Oct 7 anniversary of the start of Israel’s all-out war of extermination against Gaza.

Street marches for Palestine have been less common in both Tampa and Orlando it seems due to vicious police harassment. With the current scandal in Orlando concerning cops being caught on video assaulting protesters w no provocation, they stayed mostly out of sight in Tampa. At the end of the march, bike cops rode past the dispersal point, as though to say “we have been watching you.”

Protesters set up Tombstones and children’s shoes in memory of those killed by Israel since Oct 7

On the 2nd of October, protesters against Israel’s war agaist Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran showed up at Orlando’s City Hall for the second day in a row. City Hall is an appropriate place given that Orlando cops like Tampa cops train with IOF troops.

With rows of tombstones and children’s shoes in front of City Hall, an activist read out the names of some of the martyrs who were only ONE YEAR OLD at the time they were murdered by Israel using US-supplied bombs.

The cops mostly stayed out of sight today. Bike cops rode to City Hall, went inside (out of sight) for short time, then rode away probably to another place of concealment. Ever since those videos proving the cops assaulted protesters without provocation on Sep 21 came out, Orlando cops have seemingly hidden themselves in shame from protesters.

Orlando Palestine Solidarity activists kick off week of action around Oct 7 anniversary

On the first of October, protesters gathered at Orlando City Hall to begin a week of actions culminating on Oct 7 for Palestine. Speakers informed the media about the horrific genocide at Israel’s hands, the well over ten thousand prisoners (HOSTAGES!) taken by the IOF, and the current escalation of the war to Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.

A reporter asked if protesters were concerned about the danger posed to protesters at Saturday’s (Oct 5) event by the Orlando Police Department, and was told activists most certainly are. The brutal behavior of the Orlando Police Department including the violent assaults of May 11 and Sep 21 was discussed, along with the harassment protesters have received all year.

Emergency protest for Lebanon in Tampa predicts VICTORY

On the 24th of September, protesters gathered at 56th and Fowler in Tampa, FL, not far from USDF(Univ of South Florida). The protest was an emergency protest for Lebanon, facing a brutal Israeli air war. This is just days after the exploding pagers of one of history’s worst terrorist attacks. Unlike Saturday’s protest in Orlando and unlike prior protests in the same spot in Tampa, police did not dare show their faces. Most likely this is because of that FOX video clip from Orlando that proves the cops there were lying, committing perjury in court, and assaulting peaceful protesters. In short, the cops have pulled back after getting caught with their fingers in the cookie jar.

Speakers at the rally in Tampa confidently predicted Lebanese victory over Israel, citing the outcome of the 2006 war. That time around, Israeli troops withdrew in defeat on the last day of the war from the same positions they had occupied on the first day of the war. They had not been able to advance a single inch further in the face of overwhelming resistance.

A Palestinian student member of USF’s SDS chapter warned that USF has gone beyond university punishments and is attempting to get them deported. A similar case exists in Orlando at UCF (University of Central Florida).

By threatening to turn over Palestinian students to Israel, both universities have effectively declared war on Palestine. The same is true for their stubborn refusal to divest from war profiteers who are using the genocide in Gaza to sell more weapons and ammunition to the IOF.