As of Oct 24, much of the Internet Archive is back online in read-only mode. Video streaming and embeds are still offline as that requires javascript and a player engine which may not yet have been verified safe.
All the videos hosted at as of now can be downloaded from the site. Here’s how:
1: open the article and (in Firefox note that I do not use Chrome at all) right-click on the page and select “view page source.” When that opens, right-click again and select “select all.”
2: Paste that into a text editor window and run a string search for “” to get the URL of the video.
3: Replace “embed” with “download” in the URL and navigate to that page.
4:This will show a list of files, download the video and play it locally in your video player.
5:Concerning local playback issues: MPV, VLC etc are all known to work well on Linux systems. I don’t have any windows or Apple systems but the only thing I get playback problem complaints about is iOS (iPhone) which I have no way to debug beyond making sure all files play with no reported errors when opening in mpv from terminal.