IfNotNow holds Mourner’s Kaddish in DC for both side’s losses in Gaza

On the 10th of October, the IfNotNow movement held a Jewish mourner’s Kaddish for the victims of the latest war in Gaza-without regard to nationality.

Sickened by the brutality of this war, they called out the Israeli government and decades of settlement for putting Israel on the path that led to this war. They reminded those in earshot that there are no air raid sirens (and no Iron Dome) in Gaza.Speakers flatly called out apartheid and settlement as the root causes of this war

Mass march for Gaza hits streets, narrowly misses pro-Israel rally

On the 8th of October, a major Palestinian march took to the streets of DC. Speakers explictly endorsed all-out resistance to Israel’s occupation. One chant was “They’ve got tanks, we’ve got hang gliders-glory to all resistance fighters!” One speaker said the brutal day to day oppression experienced by residents of Gaza made this war absolutely inevitable.

The march from the White House to the State Dept missed coming within easy scout detection range of a “Stand with Israel” rally at the Lincoln Memorial by 20 minutes. It was reported that cops told them to wrap up in a hurry and get out of there.

Had the two sides clashed, a substantial street battle would have been possible given the events in Ft Lauderdale as well as those in Gaza. This would have effectively represented an extension of the fighting in Gaza to the streets of Washington DC. Apparently the civilians at the pro-Israel march were not up for such a battle and quite sensibly withdrew to keep the peace.

While a lot of PSL signs were seen at the march, the main organizers were apparently from the Palestinian community in the DC area.

Gaza has been compared to an open-air prison, thus this rebellion has some of the aspects of a prison uprising. However this war started, it is clear that Gaza is now fighting for their very existance. Israel’s Cabinet secretary is claiming this will be the last war between Israel and Gaza, which implies intention of an absolute wipeout. All war planning inside Gaza will have to take this into account.

Here in DC, this had the feel of “here we go-back in the same old trenches” but this time around is likely to be an entirely different and much nastier war.

Elsewere in the so-called US, there was reported fighting between pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters in Ft lauderdale, FL and in Washington state.

“Pray us Away:” Men’s March for fetal personhood, Rosary Coast to Coast disrupted

On Oct 7, the “men’s march” for fetal personhood received a humiliating defeat. Thier turnout of only dozens was sorrounded by abortion rights protesters with bullhorns and a sound cart, and almost completely drowned out.

They then linked up with the larger “Rosary Coast to Coast” march only to be drowned out again when they reached the US Capitol. Their stage was right at the edge of their permit zone, allowing counterprotesters to set up their sound system so close the enemy microphones could not be adjusted not to pick it up yet still be fully effective.

The religious extremists were more numerous, but their sound systems were totally outgunned.

Harriet’s Wildest Dreams marches on DC Mayor’s office, Dept of “Justice” and DC Police HQ

On the 6th of October, DC’s Harriet’s Wildest Dream assembled in Freedom Plaza for a march demanding killer cops be fired and jailed. Included in the speakers were the mothers of a number of people murdered by police in DC and surrounding areas.

When the march reached MPD (DC Police HQ), marchers ordered motorcycle cops blocking the road to “Move Back!” and the cops complied. It was quickly realized that killer cop Jason Bagshaw was involved in police activity surrounding this march, even though the mother of the man he shot and killed was on the sound truck! Bagshaw was called out from the stage as the murderer and oppressor he is.

Atlanta doxxes all Cop City petition signers

Atlanta Committee for Progress doxxed on scenes.noblogs.org in retribution

More Cop City news: In an incredibly ugly development, the Fulton County Clerk’s office instead of scanning all those petitions for certification has scanned them and UPLOADED THEM TO A PUBLIC WEBSITE!


It is suspected that the Mayor of Atlanta may have directly ordered the clerk’s office to disregard the City Council’s instruction to put the petitions online “for transparency” with personal information redacted. Mayor Andre Dickens seems to be every bit as much a “Trump Democrat” (in policies not endorsement) as DC’s mayor Muriel Bowser.

Now for the payback: In retribution for this doxxing attack, scenes.noblogs.org has done the same to the Atlanta Committee for Progress, a notorious insider “money and power” conspiracy that has dominated Atlanta’s politics for years with the “Atlanta Way.”

A dox has been avenged with a dox-and the “what they do to us, we can do to them!” message has been sent. Rule of law may be dead but justice is NOT.
