UPDATE: Video of cops blasting lead of July 24 march against Netanyahu’s visit with pepper spray

Video shows police firing big pepper sprayers at the lead of the march up Capitol Hill on July 24 against Netanyahu. This appears to be a failed attempt by the Capitol Police to prevent the march ascending Capitol Hill.

This was a MAJOR mass macing by many brutal cops. Look closely at the video, it seems several of the cops opened fire with bear spray size pepper sprayers or larger at once. The attack failed: the crowd made it up the Hill and partway around the Capitol before reversing for reasons unknown to me.

This is a snippet from a longer Breakthrough News video posted two days after the march, found on ANSWER’s twitter:



AIPAC-funded Congressman Darren Soto gets another Palestine protest at his Orlando office

On the 8th of August, pro-Gaza protesters returned to the Orlando office of US Congressman Darren Soto (D-FL-09). They called him out for his uncondtional support for Israel and genocide. A speaker reminded everyone that AIPAC is Soto’s #1 campaign cash pimp, with the second place donor running far behind.

With Soto and his staff refusing to open the door, protesters taped their demands to the door, then withdrew to the street,.

As in the May visit, Soto’s office pretended to be closed, but someone collected the paper notice left on his door as constituants demanded to speak to “their” representative. There was also evidence of movement inside the office, implying staffers were present, hiding, and refusing to meet with voters.

The problem is that “unpaying” constituants have NOT been considered the customers of politicians in generations, if anything they are the product. These bought and paid for, corrupt “representatives” actually represent those who fund their campaigns, and those who pay the piper call the tune.