On the 22nd of March, TeslaTakedown activists deployed to showrooms all over the US for another round of protests aimed at starving out Elon Musk. One of these protests was in West Palm Beach, FL.
During the protest, Trump supporter Andrew Dutl attempted to ram down protesters, jumping his black SUV onto the sidewalk as the protesters were not in the street. He missed all of them as everyone including elders sucessfully jumped or scrambled to safety. He then stopped his car and got out.
Someone called the cops.When Dutil heard the sirens he got back in his SUV and fled but it was too late. Police cruisers quickly chased him down and persuaded or forced him to stop. He was arrested and a booking photo identified him. A social media search on his name identified him as a member of a pro-Trump group and also a Veteran. Many progressive and middle of the road vets are furious about this, especially given that Musk and DOGE are after their VA benefits. Someone yelled “traitor!” as he got back in his SUV and attempted to flee before being chased down.
It is also being reported that Andrew Dutil’s current job (until he gets fired that is) is working at the same Tesla showroom!
Video starts just after the failed attempt at a DAESH/ISIS style car attack, with Dutil’s SUV on the sidewalk
Arlington, VA—At about 12:30 on Saturday afternoon about 20 arrived early and circled up nearby the Arlington Tesla dealership to discuss safety and security of the ongoing weekend boycott rally which was to begin at 2 pm. The main organizers of Third Act of Virginia asked participants to agree with a thumbs up of a short list of positive behaviors that would keep the boycott action inclusive, safe, and non-confrontational towards Tesla customers. They discussed deescalation as a method of diffusing tensions during conflict.
On the 18th of March, another emergency protest for Gaza was held at Orlando’s City Hall. Furious protesters were angered at the worst week of the entire war gor Gaza’s children. In response, protesters brazenly called for outright revolution against both the occupation regime in Palestine and against Trump’s Fascist regime in the US.
Days after Netanyahu blew up the Gaza ceasefire, one of a great many US emergency protests for Gaza was held north of Orlando at a busy major intersection.
On the 18th of march, protesters descended on Trump’s White House in response to Netanyahu’s decision to blow up the ceasefire. He murdered over 400 Palestinians many of them children in just one night, using US made bombs. This was for no more reason than to duck a court hearing on corruption charges.
Emergency protests are being held worldwide in solidarity with hard-pressed Palestine. This was DC’s response and surely much more will be coming in my old home town
On the 15th of March, the Media March on Washington in DC assembled near the US Capitol before marching on FOX News. Chants of “Fuck Fox News! rose from the crowd at the FOX’s news (really FAUX News) office.
Before the march on FOX, a speaker on the Mall warned that the failure of Germans to strangle Nazism in the Crib meant they never got their country back until his grandfather (among millions of soldiers) had to go over and bomb it.
Arlington Virginia—On week five of the Tesla Takedown protests one could be led to believe a block party was in full swing outside the Tesla dealership in Arlington, Virginia. Many went with their signs and banners but some brought sound systems with playlists and boomed the line with resistance dance music. And the music was in the right key of freedom to dance. Someone even brought a case of Budweiser nonalcoholic energy drinks in the classic aluminum cans.
The community got a large share of favorability ratings from passersby honking their support and thumbs up for the block long protest line. The protesters were near capacity on the sidewalk outside the dealership. One woman dressed as the Statue of Liberty. A man wore a brown shirt and pants with Elon Musk references symbolizing Hitler’s Nazi Germany. See video.
On the 15th of March, another round of Tesla protests swept the US. One of these protests in St Petersburg FL got a good turnout at 9:30AM on a Saturday! This is not a time normally associated with people wanting to do anything on a Saturday, but people are PISSED at Elon Musk
Protest and direct action against capitalism, imperialism, and fascism