On the 15th of March, the Media March on Washington in DC assembled near the US Capitol before marching on FOX News. Chants of “Fuck Fox News! rose from the crowd at the FOX’s news (really FAUX News) office.
Before the march on FOX, a speaker on the Mall warned that the failure of Germans to strangle Nazism in the Crib meant they never got their country back until his grandfather (among millions of soldiers) had to go over and bomb it.
Arlington Virginia—On week five of the Tesla Takedown protests one could be led to believe a block party was in full swing outside the Tesla dealership in Arlington, Virginia. Many went with their signs and banners but some brought sound systems with playlists and boomed the line with resistance dance music. And the music was in the right key of freedom to dance. Someone even brought a case of Budweiser nonalcoholic energy drinks in the classic aluminum cans.
The community got a large share of favorability ratings from passersby honking their support and thumbs up for the block long protest line. The protesters were near capacity on the sidewalk outside the dealership. One woman dressed as the Statue of Liberty. A man wore a brown shirt and pants with Elon Musk references symbolizing Hitler’s Nazi Germany. See video.
On the 15th of March, another round of Tesla protests swept the US. One of these protests in St Petersburg FL got a good turnout at 9:30AM on a Saturday! This is not a time normally associated with people wanting to do anything on a Saturday, but people are PISSED at Elon Musk
On the 12th of March, protesters supporting Khalil Mahmoud assembled at 50th and Fowler, them marched to the main entrance of University of S Florida (USF). USF infamously sicced the cops on a pro-Palestine encampment in April 2024.
There were protests presumably all over the US for Khalil on March 12. At Columbia where Khalil was a graduate student Jewish students held a large protest denouncing Trump and ICE for the lawless “arrest” of Mahmoud. The protest at USF’s gates was part of this day of action.
USF like Columbia U has an infamous record of violently attacking pro-Palestine protests, and of attempting to have pro-Palestine organizers deported after “suspension” or expulsion. Both universities first sicced the cops on student activists, then sicced ICE on them.
Khalil Mahmoud’s court hearing did not go wel: the judge while not authorizing immediate deportation allowed ICE to continue holding him, more hearings are scheduled. Trump is beating his chest about this case and warning of more “arrests.” One attempt again at Columbia has already been defeated however: ICE agents tried again to enter student housing but were blocked from entering. It is doubtful they will ever get in again short of battering rams and battle.
On the 11th of March, protesters in front of Orlando’s Federal building demanded that Trump release Khalil Mamhoud and cancel plans to round up and deport pro-Palestine students. Protesters warned “You are not safe if Mahmoud isn’t safe.”
On the 8th of March, hundreds turned out for the St Petersburg, FL International Women’s Day event. Energy was high given the times, but as always there is a sour note in every parade.
One presunably pro-Trump agitator showed up and got physical, not only screaming at people but grabbing signs and shoving people. Somehow the cops ended up arresting the attacker instead of his victims.
Operation #TeslaTakedown continues in the Washington DC area. This time around, four Tesla showrooms got protests in a single day. Video is of the Rockville protest.
Note from the presence of US flags that the Tesla protests are attracting people from far beyond the “usual protest circles” populated by ourselves. NOBODY voted for Elon Musk, and things like trying to cut off Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare don’t just touch the “3ed rail of US politics,” they grab it firmly with both hands.
As the racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic Trump/Musk regime attempt to consolidate power, protesters deployed all over the US for Internatonal Women’s Day.
One of these protests took place at Orlando’s Tesla showroom on Jonn Young Parkway. While larger protests were held in downtown areas elsewhere in Florida, Tesla is a high-value strategic target that would normally do a lot of business on a Saturday around Noon.
Tesla like Twitter was not created or built up in any way by Elon Musk. Rather, he bought up other people’s hard work and is now destroying the company, forcing the boycott by using Tesla revenues to subsidize his Fascist politics and campaign of destruction of services in the US.
We must boycott Tesla until Musk lets go of it and divests, or until they go out of business. Don’t feed the Fascists!
Tesla protests are popping up everywhere as Tesla stock crashes and burns. In Germany Tesla sales are now down 75%.
Even the Democrats have taken up the task of protesting at Tesla showrooms. On the sixth of March, they organized a protest in Florida’s rural Lake County, at the Tesla showroom in Clermont.
The Tesla campaign is nothing less than the public boot stepping on Elon Musk’s economic air hose.
Protest and direct action against capitalism, imperialism, and fascism