Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dyke March in Washington DC: No Pride in Genocide

On the 7th of June, DC’s anuual Dyke March took to the streets. This was one day before Capitol Pride. The Dyke March always protests corporatization of Pride, but this year a special message was added: No Pride in Genocide!

Many of the corporate sponsors of Pride parades nationally are making money selling weapons or electronics to Israel, and thus are funding corporate Pride events with blood money.

Fl rep Darren Soto gets pro-Palestine protest at his Orlando office

On the 30th of May, pro-Palestine protesters showed up at the Orlando office of Rep Darren Soto (D/FL-09). He has been siding like Biden with Israel’s horrific genocide in Gaza. Protesters warned he would “pay an electoral price for this” no matter what the political landscape.

He and his staffers ducked protesters, the office appearing to be closed. It was not: shortly after the protest ended, they retrieved the demands note left on their doorstep and left a response which I have not read.

Minutes before the protest was to start, there were five Fl state police cruisers, one security guard, and two fire department vehicles in the parking lot. The fire dept left shortly before protesters arrived, unknown what they were doing.

At the start of the protest speakers read out ther demands. These included not only a cease-fire and an end to arming Israel, but also an end to the muscular, full-powered attempts to snuff out dissent in the US. The nationwide police assaults on campus protesters were cited by a speaker as one example, as was the violent police attack with tear gas in Lake Eola Park on May 11.

Tampa holds “All Eyes on Rafah” march

On the 28th of May, Tampa Fl Palestinians and their supporters marched from 56th and Fowler to the main intersection in front of USF and then back.

This after Israel dropped massive bunker-buster bombs on Gaza residents living in tents. Israel keeps killing and killing, while Biden keeps sending the bullets and bombs with which to do so.

This time around in Tampa, the cops seemed to be on well-earned leashes. Stung by the publicity after the brutal attacks on the USF encampment, the Tampa Police Department held back, and the marked police vehicles I saw belonged to the Temple Terrace Police Department rather than IOF-trained Tampa PD.

Lakeland FL Police HQ gets brutality protest on anniversary of George Floyd’s murder

Four years ago on the 25th of May, Minniapolis cops murdered George Floyd. The Uprising began that very day and night. On 5-25-2024, activists gathered at Lakeland Florida’s sole police HQ to remember George Floyd. They also celebrated Antwan Glover’s hard fought victory over false charges filed after he was assaulted by Lakeland cops.

Protesters demanded charges be dropped in a number of similar cases in Lakeland. They also demanded brutal cops be fired and prosecuted. The keynote speaker of the entire rally was Antwan Glover himself.

Bonus clip at very start of video: Days into the start of the Uprising, MN 3ed precinct burns as police radio transmits order to evacuate

Solidarity rally held at courthouse for USF 13 defendents in Tampa, FL

On the 21st of May, the first of what may be a long string of solidarity protests was held at the courthouse for the USF 13 arrestees. These are the folks violently and brutally arrested by cops in response to the Palestine solidarity encampment at University of South Florida (USF).

One speaker at the rally was one of the Tampa 5 defendents, who held out and refused to negotiate until the government threw in the towel and dropped the charges. Another was one of the USF 13, stating that like the Tampa 5 defendents they were refusing “misdemeanor diversion.” It is the government, the USF administration, and Tampa Mayor Jane Castor who should be facing criminal charges, not these 13 defenders of Palestine! Their Israeli friends ARE facing warrants, thanks to the International Criminal Court.

Note that contrary to a lying statement by Ron DeSantis, the encampment was NOT “removed in minutes” but rather survived the first police attack on April 29. At 5:01PM on April 30 riot cops returned in much greater force in a blizzard of tear gas and even rubber bullets.

Univ of Central Florida (UCF) Encampment still going strong

On the 15th of May, the Palestine Solidarity camp at UCF held their Nakba 76th anniv vigil with no police interference.The point was made at the vigil that Israel has bombed EVERY university in Gaza.

The only incident involving cops was one of reckless driving. After two cops drove fast in lights and siren to the intersection with the main road, one of them drove back into the campus at high speed with headlights OFF and no other lights showing until his brake lights came on. This is how cars, and bikers, and pedestrians get rammed and slammed. Booo!

Orlando bike cops hassle and “false kettle” Nakba Day march in leadup to arrests and mace

On the 11th of May, a large Nakba (catastrophe) Day march commemorating the loss of much of Palestine to Israel assembled in Orlando’s Lake Eola Park. A storm of bike cops descended on the march within the hour. They were quite aggressive in blocking the march from leaving the park.

Once the march turned back to march clockwise around the lake, cops seemed to watch and wait. At the NE corner they pounced. I personally was harassed about being on a bike of my own, no doubt as cops didn’t want my camera in the park. Not willing to give up my ability to maneuver against them for safety, I had to exit the park and film from the outside. Within minutes, they broadcast a mostly inaudible warning not to use bullhorns, then started to muscle their way into the crowd.

Cops never did get anyone with a bullhorn, instead going all the way to attack mode on encountering an arm-locked blockade. Two people were arrested, neither in possession of a bullhorn, and cops fired pepper spray at that moment. They fired a LOT of pepper spray, generating a wind-driven yellow cloud that maced many in the crowd including children as young as five years old.

Within the hour, protesters returned to Disney’s entrance off I-4, this time targetting the mile marker 67 off-ramp to Disney and not the main traffic lanes. Unknown if this was meant as a reprisal for the police violence, but it certainly qualifies as an effective one. This would be considered “counter-value targetting.” That means ensuring that if your side is harmed by an aggressor, something the aggressor values highly pays the price. Nothing is more valuble to the City of Orlando than Disney, the economic engine of the whole area.

Tense standoff at GWU as students seek to open 2nd encampment

Video from DC Media Group footage

On the 9th of May, students and supporters marched to 19th and F sts, in front of the George Washington University administration building. The university still under siege by cops from the raid two days earlier. Therefore, students set up in the middle of the street, and even pitched tents in the street.

A storm of bike cops showed up, and a protracted standoff ensued, with fears of a kettle and mass arrest that proved to be another Bagshaw Bluff. Killer Cop Bagshaw appeared to be commanding the cops again, drawing a chorus of boos from the crowd.

Eventually, protesters decided to march back out of the potential trap in a single strong unit, similar to the decision made at USF to march in, show the flag (literally) and march back out but this time only under direct threat.

DC: GWU President Ellen Granberg gets divestment home demo

Video from clips by John Zangas/DC Media Group

On the 7th of May, George Washington University (GWU) students marched on the home of the university’s president. Cops barely got there in time to hold the steps of the house as a strong crowd rolled in. This protest makes it plain: those who continue to invest in and support genocide will be held personally accountable.