Protesters march from US Capitol to White House for Gaza ceasefire

Gaza solidarity protests are continuing on essentially a daily basis in DC. On Friday the 20th of October, the noontime assembly at 3ed st on the Mall near the Capitol spawned a substantial march on the White House.Marchers carried red roses symbolic of those murdered in Gaza by Israeli rockets and bombs. When marchers arrived at Lafayette Square Park, they found cops had closed off Penn Ave in front of the White House.

Biden was singled out in several chants for enabling genocide. Attorneys have warned him that for going “all-in” for Israel he could in fact be committing genocide and face international prosecution.

“Genocide Joe” Biden’s Gaza war speech draws noise protest

On the 19th of October, Biden gave an Oval Office speech trying to link his “all-in” support for Israel’s war in Gaza to the ongoing war in Ukraine. A half dozen noisy protesters gathered as close to the White House press area as they could get with bullhorns and drum, denouncing Biden as “Genocide Joe.”

Meanwhile the war is spreading and the US is already involved. A US ship shot down guided missiles launched from Yemen at targets in Israel, and drones were used by unknown forces to attack a still-present US base in Iraq. This war could thus embroil Israel, Palestine (ALL of Palestine), Lebanon, Iran, Yemen, and the United States, and with the regime in Iran(NOT the people!) being Putin’s drone sugar daddy Russia could be pulled in too. As I said before, this stinks of 1914.

Palestinians and allies hold furious protest for Gaza at Israeli Embassy

On the 18th of October, capping an already busy day of protest against the Israeli war on Gaza, protesters infuriated by the bombed hospital the day before and reported bombing of a US school as well as the total siege and air assault on Gaza crammed the street in front of the Israeli Embassy. The name of US President Joe Biden was greeted with a chorus of boos after his trip to Israel. He was charged by speakers with making this effectively a joint US/Israeli war on all Palestinians.

Jewish antiwar activists march on Capitol Hill, hold CD, get called “insurrectionists” by MTG

On the 18th of October, Jewish activists notably including Jewish Voice for Peace chanted “Never Again!” and “Cease Fire Now!” as they marched up Capitol Hill to the Longworth and Cannon House Office Buildings. Marjorie Tayler Greene called these peaceful protesters insurrectionists. There was civil disobedience inside the Cannon Building but no violence thus no insurrection.

She should know after serving as a 5th columnist for a real insurrection on Jan 6 2021…

Emergency Protest held at White House after Gaza hospital bombed killing hundreds

On the 17th of October, a bomb hit a hospital in Gaza City, one estimate for the number of dead was 900 people many of them children. As night fell in Washington and Biden was on a plane to Israel, furious protesters gathered at the White House to denounce the brutal war in Gaza. This protest was one of a great many held around the world.

Background: while Israeli media and the IDF are claiming a misfired rocket out of a large barrage fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad hit the hospital, there are reports Israel initially took credit for the blast claiming Hamas targets were at the site before hurredly retracting the claim. To destroy a hospital and kill so many people seems to be a LOT of damage for a warhead similar in explosive power to an antitank mine. Historically most Quassam rockets have carried relatively small 35 kilogram warheads. This seems even more unlikely give Israel is claiming the alleged misfired rocket hit the parking lot. On the other hand, a 500 pound air dropped bomb (14 times as much explosive) could do this with ease, probably even from the parking lot and certainly with a direct hit. Gaza’s health ministry flatly stated an Israeli air strike caused the blast. Investigation continues as this is reported though.

One thing is certain however: with no occupation and long term siege of Gaza there would have been no war, and with no war the hospital would not have been bombed no matter where the projectile came from.

This story will be updated as investigation continues into the Gaza hospital bombing. If Israel is proven beyond all doubt to be guilty there will surely be hell to pay. With the US and Iran each warning the other to stay out, it seems likely more countries will be drawn into the war, and the whole mess stinks of August 1914, the start of WWI.

IfNotNow, Jewish Voice for Peace blockade all White House entrances

On the 16th of October, IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace marched on the White House with an estimated 1,000 protesters or more. On reaching the White House, they divided into multiple units. Each unit took on a separate White House entrance. At one point 13 simultanious blockades were reported. There are only 5 vehicle exists and all were blocked.Demands of the protest were an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and an end to the siege.

At around 4:30 PM, police warnings to remove blockades or face arrest were dealt with at one blockade by exiting the driveway into the White House compound, only to redeploy into a street blockade. A police line seeking to defeat closing this “inverse kettle” of White House traffic was defeated by a running charge, and an effective blockade re-established.

At 5:30PM the siege was lifted-so that protesters could march on and disrupt with noise a 6PM White House press conference. While the drummers were setting up on the West side of Lafayette Park, other protesters noticed that Penn Ave had been blocked off by cops after the protest blockades were lifted. Possibly as a distraction to help the drummers set up, possibly to force arrests that the press pays attention to, they hurdled the fences and several got across. This in spite of considerable police roughness and some police violence.

At 7PM a day that began at Noon was finally over-until next time. Various corporate news media have reported between 30 and 50 arrests

DC March for Gaza demands immediate cease-fire

On the 14th of October, thousands marched through downtown DC demanding an immediate cease-fire and an end to the siege of Gaza. There was no sign of counterprotesters. Unlike in previous wars in Palestine, and unlike the situation in Florida, it appears this time around DC’s supporters of Israel are avoiding confrontations with protesters.

All reportbacks on Birdchan (AKA twitter AKA X) indicate no confrontations and no sign of counterprotesters. No signs of such seen there by this reporter either. Note that #GazaGenocide had been trending on Birdchan before it “mysteriously” disappeared thanks no doubt to Elon Musk.