On the 3ed of August, Climate Defiance got inside the Citibank-sponsored Citi Open tennis match in Washington DC. Once inside, they unfurled banners and tossed oversize mock tennis balls painted in flames onto the field. The entire event had to stop and wait while the mock tennis balls were removed, and security got quite rough with Climate Defiance.
MAGA extremists, counterprotesters descend on DC Federal courthouse as Trump arraigned
Iron Snowflake video:
John Zangas/DC Media Group video:
Trump’s appearance at DC’s E Barret Prettyman Federal courthouse created a circus atmosphere outside, MAGA meatheads protested Trump’s indictment for three major felonies stemming from his failed Jan 6 2021 coup attempt. They were in turn counterprotested by DC residents and others who were not pleased to Trumpers return to DC given the known history of violence Nov 14 2020-Jan 6 2021.
Trump is a literal flight risk owning his own jet (shown taking off after Trump left the courthouse in bonus footage from DC Media Group), having plenty of money and the ability to run home to Putin at any time. Anyone else getting a third felony while out on release from two others would face an almost guaranteed hold, yet Trump was permitted to literally fly away back to Miami and his fellow coup plotters there.
J6’ers and counterprotesters at DC Jail as Trump indictment #3 announced
The first of August was the 1 year anniversary of the extreme-right, pro-Trump/pro J6 protest at the DC Jail. As has been routine in recent months, counterprotesters drowned them out with bullhorns, sometimes in siren mode.
The same place will probably be an absolute and total circus on the evening of Thursday, August 3 after Trump’s 4PM court appearance at the Federal courthouse Trump is facing 70 years on J6-related charges and if he were anyone else would be held without bond. If THAT happens, expect a very tense scene at DC Jail that night.
Remember that when Trump lost the 2020 election, three huge street battles (20,000+ participants) were fought in the city as a result, culminating in the J6 attempt to overturn the election by force and if necessary arms.
Armed Nazi thugs harass Watertown, Wisconsin Pride event
Ugly mess at Watertown, Wisconsin’s “Pride in the Park event on July 29: ARMED neo-nazis from “blood tribe” taunt Pridegoers, accuse all of being pedophiles.
Ford Fischer got this video of cops refusing to remove the Nazis even as Pridegoers began to confront the fash. Well, cops are fascists too, so this should surprise nobody.
Rather funny that with Nazis neo or otherwise being such nationalists, one of them is carrying not a US made and designed AR platform rifle, but rather an AK. Many groups neo-Nazis hate have featured the AK on flags and logos for over half a century.
Trot for Trans Lives 5K fundraiser in Orlando raises funds for transgender service groups
On the 29th of July, the Trot for Trans Lives came to Orlando, the finishing point of Transgender ultramarathoner Cal Dobbs’s 2,700 milecross-country run from California to Florida. Cal called Florida “the epicenter of anti-trans legislation.”
The cross-country run was to show support for Florida’s beseiged trans community. At many stops a local Trot for Trans Lives 5K run/walk fundraiser was held, the last of these in Orlando at the finish of the run.
Polk County, FL school board called out for DeSantis-required pro-slavery curriculum
On the 25th of June, near the end of the meeting, a speaker hammered the Polk County, Fl school board. They have refused to make any statement of defiance against a new requirement that students must be taught that Black people benefited from SLAVERY. That’s right-Black students are supposed to tolerate being “taught” that slavery was a good thing for their ancestors. The Polk County school board is silent on this and thus expected to comply
Generation Ratify stages blockade of Constitution Ave in DC for ERA
On July 24, Generation Ratify blocked DC’s Constitution Ave to support ratification of the ERA(Equal Rights Amendment). Twenty or more activists set up the blockade, while maybe 5 members of the forced-birth group PAAU (the fetus stealers) tried to counterprotest but were ineffective. Two pro-ERA blockaders were arrested
Beyond Extreme Energy protests use of corroded pipe in resurrected Mountain Valley Pipeline.
On the 20th of July, Beyond Extreme Energy and residents of the area near the Mountain Valley Pipeline project protested first at FERC, then at the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
Direct action teams are again working to block MVP construction after Manchin rammed it through as part of a budget bill. Someone noticed that rusted pipe segments are being used without repair in the ongoing attempts to finish the pipeline.
The 42 inch diameter pipeline sections the MVP’s builders are seeking to put into use have been out in the rain, snow, and sun as long as 6 years in some cases. They’ve also been in floodwaters and standing water. Pipeline safety experts and even some of the MVP’s own staffers have warned that just one year or even six months in the open can damage the protective coating meant for use underground. Once that occurs, the piple can rust through, and when a big high pressure gas pipeline rusts through an explosion at the pipeline may be the least serious case. Slow leaks into basements can actually worse as then houses are what blow up. One more way natural gas can blow up your house
FERC is the infamous Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, once again turned into the pipeline industry’s biggest rubber stamp, this time by Sen Joe Manchin. If Manchin things environmentalist are going to knock on doors for him in W Va in his next re-election, he must be hallucinating.
Climate Defiance shuts down, drives off Mary Repco in Rayburn Building
On the 19th of July, Climate Defiance got inside the Rayburn Building and again shut down a Biden administration official responsible for approving more fossil fuel projects. This time the target was Deputy National Climate Advisor Mary Repko. She packed up and quit the field like all the others driven off by Climate Defiance.
Around Noon, Mary Repko was holding a lunchtime meeting of the so-called “House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition” at the Rayburn Building.
Climate Defiance showed up, and demanded she publicly oppose the Willow Project, a major propose Alaska oil drilling project. They called out the Biden administration (her boss) for approving new fossil fuel projects at a faster pace than even Donald Trump.
Instead of answering questions, she and her flunkies packed up and adjourned the meeting. When they cannot explain themselves to the public, they take the ball and go home it seem!
Nine climate activists were arrested, but once again Climate Defiance has put closet fossil fuel promotors to flight.
Climate Defiance disrupts, temporarily shuts down Congressional Women’s Baseball Game.
Wednesday, the 12 of July was one of the four hottest days ever recorded globally. On that day, members of Congress fiddled while not only Rome but the whole world burned. The Congressonal Women’s Baseball Game was supposed to be business as usual, but Climate Defiance had other ideas and temporarily shut the game down.
As protesters in Stop Fossil Fuels T-shirts took over key parts of the field, some of the players started dancing in an attempt to keep the audience focussed on anything but the climate protesters.
At the moment there is no way to upload a still photo here due to block editor issues