Fundamentalists shouted down at DC’s Capitol Pride

As always, Capitol Pride in Washington DC was a festive event with hundreds of thousands showing up. Although many consider DC a safe haven, the hateful, genocidal politics spreading elsewhere in the US cast a shadow over the event

As in the past two years, Fundamentalist, probably Christian nationalist street preachers set up in a prime spot at Connecticut Ave S side of Dupont Circle. Again as before, they were jeered and shouted down, totally neutralized in DC. When their followers pack a school board in rural Florida or Texas it’s not so easy to halt their attack.

Still from video by John Zangas
Still from video by John Zangas

WARNING-Patriot Front selling lethal dose of testosterone online as estrogen for trans women!

Drug in question is Ashwagandha, 2,400 milligrams. Doses as low as 600 mg can produce dangerous “serotonin syndrome” yet EstroLabs (a front for the Proud Boys) is recommending a 2,400 mg per day dose. It comes from a shrub but it’s enough of a steroid to be a controlled substance!

This is an attempt at deliberate murder. In addition Ashwagandha is a Schedule III controlled substance, and they are not only distributing it without a prescription (which I would not care about w legitimate meds), they are using it for the purpose of causing unexpected fast forced detransition with a side order of death for some users.

The person behind this is Patriot Front member Keven Lowry

Extinction Rebellion locks down to Washington DC City Hall against $5B gas pipe project

On the 9th of June, DC’s chapter of Extinction Rebellion blockaded the Wilson Building in DC with a lockdown. They were protesting Washington Gas’s proposed $5 billion gas distribution pipeline replacement project.

XRDC would prefer this money be spent to subsidize replacing gas with electric stoves etc and gas heat with heat pumps.

photo by XRDC
XRDC video
Spectacular tangle of smoking, polluting pipes

UPDATED June 10: Trump INDICTED 37 Federal counts including Espionage Act

Arraignment TUES in MIAMI

On the 9th of June, former “Not My President” Trump was indicted on 37 Federal charges, including violating the Espionage Act. The most serious charge is willful retention of national defense secrets, which is a major felony but short of dissemination of national defense secrets in severity. Obstruction and conspiracy charges were also filed.

Trump will be arraigned in Miami on Tuesday. WARNING TO MIAMI RESIDENTS: Trump is asking his supporters to assemble Tuesday in Miami. With luck this will be a lame peaceful protest, but Trump has a history of inciting to riot. At least three major battles that included assaults on random passersby were started in Washington DC by Donald Trump: Nov 14 2020, Dec 12 2020, and the infamous Jan 6 2021 coup attempt.

If you live in Miami, avoid areas where Trump supporters are visible unless you are there to counterprotest them and are properly equipped to defend yourself if assaulted. Helmet, goggles, body armor, and pepper spray suggested. Let the MAGA meatheads start any violence, it can be used against them later. If they assault civilians and you are capable of drawing them off or defeating the assault, proceed with that mission.

If you are a cop and are reading this, be advised Trump supporters assaulted police in all three of the abovementioned 2020 and 2021 battles in Washington DC. Most infamously, flag poles still carrying thin blue line flags were used to beat up a lot of cops on Jan 6, 2021. A cop was stabbed in Washington DC on Nov 14 2020 by a Proud Boy as well. Unknown if they were wearing stab-resistant armor sufficient to stop the knife. Dec 12 I certainly wore it as that was one of three stabbings on Nov 14 2020. One of ours protected by armor, one of ours wounded, plus a cop stabbed.

Even if Trump is convicted he is NOT disqualified from running for President in the 2024 election, as the US Constitution does not require the President to be a registered voter. This is unlike almost all other offices, and means a felony conviction is not disqualifying. Of course, it would be rather hard to get to the Oval Office from prision. Another interesting legal question is whether someone with a Federal felony conviction who is elected President can pardon himself.

Protesters risk arrest at White House to oppose MVP and fracking

On the 8th of June, protesters opposing the Mountain Valley Pipeline and fracking showed up at the White House. Under “Apocalyptic” Code Purple air from wildfire smoke, they protested the kind of climate recklessness that generates weather favorable for more fires.

The protest took over the “between the lamp posts” tourist postcard photo area directly in front of the White House on the Penn Ave sidewalk, which is arrestable. As in a number of protests in the past year, no arrests were reported.

The all but dead Mountain Valley Pipeline has gotten another Frankenstein “jump start” from Manchin’s forced inclusion of permit approvals for it in the “dirty deal” debt ceiling bill.

Photo by Jamie Henn


Update: Susan Lorincz has been ARRESTED for the murder of Ajike Shanterell, shot through Susan’s front door while trying to retrieve an Ipad stolen from one of her 4 kids in Ocala, FL.

No way a Florida sheriff would arrest a white person for killing a Black woman without overwhelming community pressure! After a press conference in a local church, the issue went national and all eyes turned to Ocala.

Book Banning issue arrives at Montgomery County, MD school board meeting

Video from on-scene video clips by Ford Fischer

At a school board meeting in Montgomery County, MD (just north of DC), Moms4Liberty and a groups of Muslim parents demanded soft book bans (via an opt-out process) on pro-LGBTQ books. Pro-LGBTQ folks counterprotested, demanding schools remain secular.

Counterprotesters demanded schools be secular and not religious. This does not violate ANYONE’s religious freedom as both home schooling and religious schools remain legal!

Unknown whether Proud Boys linked “Moms4Liberty” sought a Muslim group as a front to soften their image, glommed onto an already-existing protest, or something else.

Ajike Shanterell’s mother, community members speak at press conference after Ajike was murdered by Susan Lorincz

On Friday the 2nd of June in Ocala, FL, Ajike Shantrell went to the door of racist neighborhood bully Susan Lorincz to ask about an Ipad stolen from one of her four children. Susan opened fire without ever opening the door, killing Ajike. As she was a single mother this left her kids without either parent.

As this is written the sheriff has yet to charge Susan, though she is in protective custody.

Three Fascists show up near Orlando youth LGBTQ rally, distribute religious propaganda.

On the 3ed of June, an LGBTQ youth rally was held at Orlando’s Lake Eola. Three Fascists showed up, distributing religious extremist material as close to the rally as they dared but not making any effort at a serious attack.

“Motorcycle fash” in the helmet spend a fair amount of time palling around with the three Orlando bike cops on the scene when nobody was taking his fliers.

The rally marches in
The clearly visible Fascist-two more were in plainclothese
The back of “motorcycle fash’s” T-shirt. Come and take it? That can be arranged!

Literally laundering money to educate GA Gov Brian Kemp

Hey Brian Kemp and APD, since you have collecting bail money confused with laundering money, I thought I’d launder some right in front of your faces so you can understand the difference!

Now I have some clean money(even if it’s just a couple bucks…), though there isn’t enough soap in this whole state to wash your filthy campaign cash.