Police assault and arrest diversity protesters at USF President’s office in Tampa

Update: All four USF arrestees have been bonded out, but three have been charged with felony assault for BEING assaulted by cops. Ahh yes-hit a cop on the club with your head

THIS is police assaulting protesters at USF in Tampa today. Protesters from SDS were opposing Florida dictator DeSantis’s anti-diversity policies targetting all schools and universities. The police chief was personally present and may have struck the first blow. Also note that cops are a gang and this may in truth be about Atlanta.

Stop Cop City week of action to CONTINUE

DefendAtlForest has just issued this press release about the considerable police brutality of March 5, and in it they state that the week of action shall persevere:


ATLANTA, GA. Last night, multiple police agencies dressed in militarized gear and armed with lethal weapons raided a local family-friendly music festival in a public park within the Weelaunee forest. They used excessive force to arrest dozens of concert-goers and threatened to shoot people in the park. The event was being held on the second day on the fifth Week of Action to protect the Weelaunee (Atlanta) Forest and stop Cop City.

Around a thousand people gathered in a field among the trees in Weelaunee Forest for a second day of the music festival to listen to musicians perform, catch up with friends, enjoy an inflatable bounce house and share food. 

A separate protest group with hundreds of people marched to the forest near the Old Prison Farm, the site leased to the Atlanta Police Foundation for Cop City. The march was in response to the murder of activist Tortuguita and a move to reclaim the Weelaunee Forest as a public commons. There are reports of construction vehicles and surveillance equipment being set on fire.  

Sometime after this action, police retaliated viciously by raiding the entire forest, arresting at least 35 people at the nearby music festival, including people with no connection to or awareness of the action on the other side of the nearly 600 acre forest.

People attending the festival say police tased concert-goers who were moving away from the commotion, tackled people to the ground and threatened to use lethal force. One cop reportedly kept an indigenous concert-goer in a chokehold while fully on top of them. Another eyewitness reports that a police officer of unknown agency said, “I swear to God I will fucking kill you” to civilians in Weelaunee People’s Park (Intrenchment Creek Park). The Atlanta Community Press Collective reports that tear gas and pepper balls were used on people during arrests. 

Despite this indiscriminate and violent attack by the police, the festival continued for over an hour with the crowd chanting “Stop Cop City” and “the show must go on” between musical acts. Then, an army of police forces, without warning, raided the festival en masse. Unicorn Riot reports that officers surrounded the inflatable bounce house, pointed guns inside and later tore it down. The heavily-armed officers then surrounded the remaining crowd, which included children, and deployed LRAD (acoustic warfare equipment). The police threatened to arrest all of the music festival participants on domestic terrorism charges.  In defense, festival-goers, park-goers, children, and musicians stuck together and chanted, “We have children here!” and “Let us go home!”. According to the Atlanta Community Press Collective, after festival-goers demanded to be released, the police checked identification cards of those leaving the forest. Multiple legal observer were detained and one legal observer was arrested.  Several musicians were arrested as well. Additionally, multiple reporters were threatened with arrest by police. According to DeKalb County jail records, at least 22 people have been charged with domestic terrorism. 

There have been many additional reports of police aggression that are still being confirmed.  The Atlanta Solidarity Fund stated, “Indiscriminate police violence tonight against Stop Cop City festival-goers. Police seem to be lashing out at anyone present at the music festival. Music is not a crime, protest is not a crime. People lawfully exercising first amendment rights cannot be held criminally liable for the actions of others. “

“Cop City will never be a legitimate project. It continues to be widely opposed by Atlantans. The civil rights violations committed by police yesterday reaffirms that this cop training facility should never be built. We stand steadfast in our conviction to build a new world in which all people are safe from police terror,” says an organizer who wishes to remain anonymous.

To support those arrested, please visit atlsolidarity (dot)org/ and donate to the bail fund.

Today (note-this is Monday and has come and gone), the Week of Action continues with a Faithworkers/Clergy Press Conference and city council address at noon, forest tours in the afternoon, a Purim celebration in the evening, and more. You can visitdefendtheatlantaforest(dot)org/calendar/

Major Battle in Weelaunee Forest: most construction shit burned, cops retaliate against MUSIC FESTIVAL

Much happened in the Weelaunee Forest on the 5th of March, the second day of the March 4-11 week of action. Forest defenders managed to burn most of the “construction infrastructure” of the project, only to have cops assault a music festival (at least 35 arrests) later in the day.

As a march approached the fenced zone where construction and surveillance equipment is kept, cops fleeing the march were basically chased into the lot,a flurry of fireworks setting them to flight. After they retreated, a bulldozer, two police “UTV” vehicles, a surveillance tower, and an office trailer were put to the torch.

Later, a storm of cops descended on a music festival that was not even in the same area as the fires, tackled a number of people, pointed a loaded rifle at children and in a “bouncy house” and ultimately made 25 arrests bearing seemingly no relation to the earlier battle that ended in defeat for the police. Eventually they even brought an armored vehicle known as the “beast,” only to have it get stuck and have to tow it out.

Tanks are one thing police armored vehicles are NOT: wheels not tracks(so they get stuck in mud, very thin armor, no main gun. More like a very light armored personel carrier on wheels.

These fires speak loud enough for even the Mayor of Atlanta to hear them

First Weelanuee FOrest Week of action event: not a cop in sight

Kickoff march into Weelaunee Forest in Atlanta went well. Not one cop dared show their face as people arrived at the well-named Intrenchment Creek trailhead.

Note that since the start of the year, the Atlanta cops have started charging ALL non-Georgia residents arrested at any protest over Cop City with “domestic terrorism” without regard to alleged offense, all the way down to jaywalking. In addition, this charge is then used as a basis to hold defendents without bond. In other words, Atlanta and Georgia have de facto institutued adminstrative detention without trial

In this video originally posted to Twitter by MicahinATL, marchers chant “if they build it we will burn it!”

photo by DefendATLForest via Twitter

PSL protests at Pinellas County School Board meeting against “Moms4liberty”/DeSantis agenda

On the 28th of February, the Party for Socialism and Liberation held a protest outside the Pinellas County School Board’s meeting. They were protesting the DeSantis/Moms4Liberty agenda of book banning, budget cuts, “Don’t Say Gay,” the entire school takeover agenda. In Pinellas Countu, if astroturfing so-called “Moms 4 Liberty” manages to elect two more school board members they get a working majority and can effectively turn the Pinellas County schools into Christian religious schools, firing anyone who is unwilling to be part of that agenda.

AIM blocked from Tampa Columbus statue protest in favor of nearby music concert

On the 26th of February, the American Indian Movement planned to protest at the Columbus statue in Tampa, FL to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1973 takeover of Wounded Knee. The concert was near but not AT the statue, more likely the settler government of Tampa is simply determined to keep Indigenous people as far away from their precious Columbus statue as possible.

Two of the folks who made it out to the redirected protest at Lykes Gaslight Park in downtown Tampa are facing “criminal” charges for daring to add red paint to the Columbus statue at a previous protest. The red paint symbolizing the blood of all those murdered by Columbus and those who came after him should have been left on the statue until it can be removed. It is likely Tampa’s rulers fear this statue will be pulled down like the Albert Pike statue in DC was, then rolled back into the water from which Columbus came like the Columbus statue in Baltimore was during the 2020 Uprising.

MPD cop whines “I feel threatened” to videographer at heavily defended DC drag show

On the 25th of February Washington DC MPD ofc Riley whined “I feel threatened” at a DC Homos videographer. He melted down like a snowcone in the FL sun while escorting a solo Proud Boy out of the area of a heavily defended drag show in SE DC. Only ONE Proud Boys showed up, sparking this incident.

The Proud Boy in question is known white supremacist Betancur, known to support mass shootings and a supporter of Charlottesville car rammer James Fields, now in prison for the murder of Heather Heyer with that Daesh/ISIS-style car ramming attack.

This zoomed in and cropped image from the DC Homos video shows Ofc Riley pointing at the videographer while escorting Proud Boy Betancur out of the area
If more Proud Boys had shown up like they did in Silver Spring a week earlier they would have faced this stout defense (slightlyb redacted photo originally posted to Twitter by DC Homos)

Tampa music venue Brass Mug postered as Proud Boy-fronted band Trapt plays

On the 24th of February, Trapt played at the brass Mug in Tampa. Trapt’s lead singer is a Proud Boy, and his public pro-Fascist statements have cost the band a drummer (who quit over this shit) and many cancelled shows. While one of the opening acts played, anti-Fascist activists entered the venue parking lot and posted fliers directly on the walls of the brass mug. One by the door called out Trapt as a Nazi band, while other targetted Christopher Rufo, DeSantis’s handpicked New College administrator who job is to turn that college into an extreme-right institution. Once postering the venue and venue parking lot were complete, activists fanned out to distribute the posters elsewhere in Tampa.

Rufo got his start as one of the originators of the far-right hysteria over critical race theory. He is also publicly opposing any and all teaching related to LGBTQ issues. If DeSantis has his way, even teaching evolution in colleges might be banned in FL. If the King James Bible ever becomes the only legal textbook in FL schools and universities Christopher Rufo will be one of the reasons for it. By using posters targetting Christopher Rufo as the main payload of the mission, activists chose to focus not on the little fish (Trapt’s Proud Boy frontman) but rather on a much bigger fish.
