DC Women’s March takes to the streets, faces scrum with Christian nationalists at SCOTUS

swarms of forced-birthers descended on marchers at the Supreme Court and things got pushy
Another view of the mess at SCOTUS

Tampa Vigil For Tort (protester murdered by police in Atlanta)

(video: tonight we burn candles, tomorrow we spread the flame)

On the 21st of January, vigils were held all over the so-called “United States” for Tort, the unarmed protester murdered by Atlanta police on the morning of Jan 18. There are reports cops just “found” a gun-the exact make and model they use-and Tort was a pacifist. This disproved police claims that Tort fired first and all but proves witness reports that the wounded cop was hit by friendly fire (blue on blue). That cop got a round in the guts, just under his vest and the result has been a lot of bellyaching by Atlanta cops.

PAAU fetus stealers draw counterprotesters to SCOTUS vs “March 4 Life”

On Jan 20, so-called “Progressive Anti Abortion Uprising”(a literally fetus-stealing religious group) and their allies showed up at the Supreme Court during the so-called “March 4 Life.” Present also at SCOTUS were several antichoice Gay men, helping to pave the way for their own fate if the GOP decides to round up the entire LGBTQ community. A bullhorn in siren mode helped drown out PAAU’s lies.

Suicides of young women are soaring in abortion ban states, the annual march should be renamed the March 4 Death as a result.

Presumed Christian terrorist molotovs Illinois Planned Parenthood Clinic

On Jan 15, an unknown person (won’t be unknown long…) threw a molotov cocktail at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Illinois. The fire was confined to one room thanks to a quick fire department response.

Just two days earlier, Illinois governor Pritzker signed an abortion rights law into effect. Unable to use police in Illinois to arrest and imprison women and doctors over abortion, Christian Nationalists have resorted to attempting to burn down abortion clinics instead.


This sort of thing is yet another indicator that the longstanding “cold civil war” in the US is no longer cold, and may now be a multipolar, low-level insurgent war instead of a cold war