Cops aggressively defend counterprotest against DC Jan 6 “solidarity” rally

On the 24th of September, J6 insurgents and their supporters returned to DC for the 2nd September in a row. There may have been as few as 80 of them. Two large groups of Proud Boys were spotted outside the city but may have flaked out or othewise not made it in. Cops aggressively fended off and attempted to kettle counterprotesters.

Even though the aggressive kettling attempts and dispersal warnings were the work of Capitol Police, there were reports that coordination of the police reponse (in the rest of the city or including the Capitol unknown) may have been the work of killer cop Jason Bagshaw. Bagshaw is notorious as the murderer of Lazarus David Wilson, whom Bagshaw shot and killed at the Wharf on July 16 2022. It is possible the kettling attempts were fakes aimed at intimidation and dispersal when mass arrests were not authorized, this is a classic Bagshaw tactic.

Photo by Sadie

Protesters disrupt “Heartbeat of Miami” fake clinic network’s fundraising dinner

On the evening of the 17th of September, the infamous “Heartbeat of Miami” fake clinic network held a fundraising dinner at Trump National Doral on the outskirts of Miami. While some protesters held a presence outside, two went inside to disrupt the event, got into the ballroom,and raised a ruckus. They were then grabbed by a mixture of Proud Boys, “Trump Police” and actual cops. They were then arrested on spurious charges as seems to be common in Miami.

Heartbeat of Miami has been found to be a major connection between Fundamentalist Christian groups, Fascist groups, and the GOP in Miami. Thus this fundraising ball was a major strategic target. The fact that Proud Boys were mixed with police and “Trump Police” security guards at this event is dangerous. Miami is known for their GOP chapter being effectively captured by the Proud Boys-and for considerable overlap between them and the police. This is much like the KKK in the old South.

The Trump connection is also menacing. If Donald Trump gets back in the White House in Jan 2025, abortion will probably be a felony for both doctor and patient in all 50 states by July 2025. All-out attacks and even police roundups aimed at the LGBTQ community would also be likely. Already parents of trans kids under age 18 in Texas have effectively been made fugitives by TX gov Abbot and his coconspirators.

Protesters got inside too

Holding space outside

Sen Lindsey Graham gets home demo over his Federal abortion ban bill

On the 14th of September, protesters targetted GOP Senator Lindsey Graham for the seccond day in a row over his introduction of a bill to ban abortion in all 50 states after 15 weeks. This time around, protesters went to his house not far from the US Capitol.

So much for Lindsey Graham’s talk of leaving abortion issues for state governments much less those who can get pregnant to decide-whgat a hypocrite!

So-called “Susan B Anthony” forced birth ball draws furious protest

On the 13th of September, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham introduced a bill to ban abortion nationwide after 15 weeks. He then showed up at the so-called “Susan B Anthony” ball-a militantly antichoice event that this year is celebrating the Supreme Court legalizaing forced-birth laws w the Dobbs decision. Furious protesters outside made attendees (Graham included) run a gauntlet of screaming activists to get in.

Some of the antichoicers were photographed and warned they could be doxxed as they got out of their cars.

It is unknown what if any is the conmnection between these Christian fascists and feminist and voting rights campaigner Susan B Anthony. Doubt has been cast be review of statements opposing abortion alleged to have been made by her:

“No Sacrifice Zones” protest demands Manchin’s pipeline side deal to climate bill be scrapped

On the 8th of September, opponents of destructive fossil fuel projects and especially the Mountain Valley Pipeline descended on Capitol Hill. They are seeking to block Senate approval of Manchin’s climate bill side deal to “streamline” permitting for fossil fuel projects and “expedite” the Mountain Valley pipeline. One managed to confront Manchin in person.

Manchin demanded this side deal essentially as payment for his vote to pass the Inflation Protection Act with its climate provisions. Indignous communities and others in the paths of destructive projects like the Mountain Valley Pipeline are furious, and many people have committed themselves to stopping this deal-and the projects in question-at any price. Just in Michigan, twelve Indigenous tribes have signed a letter opposing Manchin’s dirty side deal.

The Inflation Reduction Act (which includes the climate/renewable energy provisions) has already been passed. Manchin’s side deal is still pending in the Senate and his deal was with Schumer, not the entire Senate or even all Senate Democrats. This “sidecar deal” is not within the scope of the “reconciliation” process so it needs 60 votes to avoid the filibuster Manchin has so aggressively defended. Manchin will need 10 more GOP votes than the number of progressives among the Dems who refuse to vote for it. This is no “done deal.” If it is defeated all Manchin can do is suck it up, or resign his seat, taking his ball and going home.

Pro-LGBTQ activists confront Proud Boys, fash as extreme right pressures Miami-Dade school board to drop Pride Month

On the 8th of September, the Miami-Dade County school board held a revote on the question of whether to designated October as LGBTQ month. This has been approved before, but now three school board members opposed by Fl Governor DeSantis had been replaced. Both inside and out the far-right hectored them to drop Pride Month. Meanwhile, LGBTQ activists testified inside for keeping Pride Month, and counterprotested Proud Boys and other fascists outside.

The Proud Boys who showed up were some of the least intelligent members of the Proud Boys the author of this piece has ever seen. Big talkers instead of doers too. Counterprotesters at contact range, cops were on the other side of the street. Those cops who did come over palled around with the Proud Boys. For all that, not a single Proud Boy dared to throw a punch and begin the fight-even though the Proud Boys had counterprotesters outnumbered. THere was the sense that the bear mace of Charlottesville or the swirling, pole and knife-armed melee combat of Nov 14, 2020 in DC would have sent these posers running for cover.

Althouth there were concerns for the safety of LGBTQ speakers leaving the meeting inside, precautions were taken to ensure Proud Boys or other attackers (if the Proud Boys were bait) didn’t get any easy oportunities. On top of all else, most of the talk from the Proud Boys took the form of personal attacks on the physical appearance of LGBTQ activists counterprotesting them.

Unfortunately, DeSantis’s thugs inside the school board itself were strong enough to kill Pride Month, which was voted down 8-1. This will not be forgotten and will have consequences.

Proud Boys throw white power hand signs


On the 5th of September, the DropKiwiFarms campaign announced victory! The anti-LGBTQ/anti-neurodivergent doxxing and hate site kiwifarms(dot)net had just been booted off Cloudflare for “imminent threat to human life,” and less than 24 hours later their backup Russian DDOS protection (DDOSguard) also booted them. Now both kiwifarms(dot)net and kiwifarms(dot)ru are down. This is what you get for SWATTING and for trying to localize and kill a transgender activist holed up in Belfast. This is what you get for blizzards of shooting and bomb threats against transgender civilians-and for thinking you can also escalate to SWATTING a sitting member of Congress and get away with it. So what that the Congresswoman is outright Fascist Marjorie Tayler Greene: KiwiFarms SWATTED her, then tried to claim it for transgender youth, presumably hoping to start a war that would end in many police raids. It didn’t work.

Instead, a campaign lasting just one month has taken down a major terrorist platform responsible for at least three deaths. Who’s the “lolcow” now, Kiwi Farms?


Seminole County, FL GOP headquarters trashed

On the morning of August 29, Seminole County GOP fascists found their headquarters tagged with “Eat Shit Fascists.” In addition the locks were glued, forcing the GOP MAGAts to break into their own office by the back door. Seems they do everything by the back door…

Some GOP scumbags citing the text of the artwork blamed Biden’s statement calling Trump and the MAGA Republicans “semi-fascist” but millions understand there’s nothing semi about this breed of fascism. The only thing missing is a foreign war of aggression, possibly due to Trump’s bone spurs and “war record?”

When Trump was in office, he put children in cages on the border, some of whom still have never seen their parents again. When he was defeated in the 2020 election, his MAGAt friends attempted to overturn the election by force of arms on Jan 6, 2021. Just this past week two GOP operatives in Arizona issued a call for rounding up LGBTQ folks and imprisoning them in concentration camps. The GOP has banned abortion for about 1/3 of all women in the US, which will kill tens of thousands of cisgender women and trans men and subject millions more to forced pregnancy. Speaking of trans, Texas governor Abbot and Fl governor DeSantis are by legislation demanding forcible detransition for transgender youth, if necessary under the guns of the police and so-called “child protective services.”

Those who bring suffering and death to tens of millions should consider it an act of great forbearance that someone striking back after all that GOP violence chose to limit themselves to spray paint and “extra security” on the front door locks. Wars have been fought over much less than this, for control of oil or a dam on a river.