Alert: Feds raiding Umoja Party activist Omali Yeshtela’s home

As this is written, reports have come in of Federal thugs raiding Umoja Party leader Omali Yeshtela’s home. The supposed target of the investigation is “Russian Influence” but unless Putin is paying reparations for European assaults on Africa while invading Ukraine himself such influence seems highly unlikely.

If Biden’s FBI wants to target a major Russian influence operation in Florida, Trump’s compound in Mar-a-Lago would be a good place to start. It has been proven over and over again that Trump and Putin (BOTH of whom are Fascists) worked together to disrupt and take control of the 2016 US Presidential election.

By comparison, the Umoja Party promotes Black self-sufficiency and payment of reparations by white people for the damage their ancestors inflicted on Black people through slavery, Jim Crow, and so much more. There are outright fortunes built on the backs of slave labor still in existance today,notably Georgetown University in Washington DC, the US Capitol there as well, insurance companies still in business today that wrote policies for slaveowners, and so much more. Removal from the US economic past of the labor stolen from enslaved people would cause the current economy to collapse like the house of cards it is.

Thus, the goals of the Umoja Party (Black liberation) are not compatable with the goals of Putin (conquest of Europe and domination of a continent by one country). This in turn suggests that the real motivations for the raid have nothing to do with Russia and sure as hell have nothing to do with Putin or his invasion and bombardment of Ukraine. Instead, “Russian Influence” is probably being used as a fig leaf to cover continuing and ongoing FBI harassment of anyone who dares to step out of line and challenge white supremacy. After all, the FBI was founded to attack anarchists and other enemies of capitalism, racism and the US government at that time.

Climate Protesters disrupt Congressional baseball game

Photo by John Zangas

Less than a day before the Congressional Baseball Game and a scheduled disruption, Sen Joe Manchin caved on allowing at least SOME climate provisions into the big “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.” While CCAN cancelled their plans to disrupt the game, Shut Down DC and other groups did not. Protesters displayed banners inside before storms tempprarily shut the game down, while more protested outside

Some of the protesters were demanding the Dems “Seal the Deal” while others demanded Biden deliver on his so far empty words about declaring a climate emergency.Some of the protesters were demanding the Dems “Seal the Deal” while others demanded Biden deliver on his so far empty words about declaring a climate emergency. The existing deal was denounced as not enough, w a demand of “No New fossil fuels.” It was also pointed out that Biden, Sinema, and Manchin are all totally untrustworthy and may go back on their word. There was some ugliness inside the stadium as cops forcibly confiscated some of the banners from activists inside seated in the bleachers There was some ugliness inside the stadium as cops forcibly confiscated some of the banners from activists inside seated in the bleachers.

After being shut down by a “protest by nature” in the form of a thundrstorm, the game later resumed, the GOP shutting out the Dems 10-0 just as they do on human rights issues such as abortion and LGBTQ rights.

Kavanaugh, Roberts get more home demos as Roberts quits GW teaching post

Video featuring “Emergency Response” to flatlining Constitution on a gurney 1 min 45 sec

On the 27th of July, protesters returned to the homes of “Justices” Kavanaugh and Roberts, with greatly reduced police interference. Two weeks of intensive policing failed to generate any legal grounds for arrests, so police are now dwindling back to the prior numbers.

Also on July 27, protesters and pro-choice activists got a special treat: “Justice” John Roberts has thrown in the towel on his teaching side gig at GW University. Apparently students were protesting him, and dissenting opinions are more than he can handle so he just deplatformed himself. Unable to compete in any “real world” arena, even an ivory tower (much less the people’s streets) he has decided to take his ball and go home.

“Democracy” established by settlers (originally with only white property-owning men allowed to vote) on stolen land is quite a joke, but it looks like this joke’s just about over.

Protesters disrupt Trump’s first post-J6 “America First” DC rally

On the 26th of July, Donald Trump returned to DC for the first time since he fled Biden’s Inaugural on Jan 20, 2021. He was the keynote speaker at an indoor “America First” rally at the Marriott Marquis near the Convention Center. Protesters dropped an “Indict Trump” banner inside and chants of “No Trump, no KKK no Fascist USA” resonated from the walls.

This was a potentially menacing event going in, given the violent fascist incidents of the past week or so. Someone close to Trump had arranged for a “security force” in mostly unmarked green uniforms displaying an eagle but no obvious name of any security company. There was the danger if Trump declared both his candidacy and that one or more fascist formations were welcome to act as his street army, considerable violence was possible. Most of that violence would be nowhere near DC, but the trigger incident would be the speech at the Marriot. Fortunately, neither of these ugly possibilities came to pass.

As it was, Trump gave an incredibly hypocritical speech about “law and order.” He demanded “we have to leave our police alone,” after his supporters beat, maced, tazed, and crushed members of the Capitol Police on Jan 6, 2021(J6). In a similar vein, he called for unleashing the National Guard on the public in the event of a “total breakdown of law and order” where “citizen’s basic rights have been violated. That again no doubt is not intended to mean the National Guard should have been used to put down his coup attempt, only to put down Black Lives Matter protests. He SCREAMED about the tent cities unhouse folks have been forced to build by evictions and skyrocketing rents, yet for most of his life he was known as one of the worst of racist slumlords in NYC. He praised the brutal so-called “justice” system of China.

The speech droned on for more than two hours, dripping with venom, hate, and hypocrisy. The Marriott Marquis should be ashamed of themselves for hosting Trump inside DC after J6. Oh well, you can’t spell “MarrRiot” without “Riot.”

Trump’s menacing “Greenshirt” guards

Insignia on Greenshirt uniforms-only the words “security liason” appear where a company name should be. Logo matches Colorado Security Agency-but no label

Photo by John Zangas

Triple murderer Christopher Semok seen w other Nazis at TPUSA, 90% confidence

This is reported with 905 confidence to be triple murderer Christopher Semok AKA Cristopher LaBlanc, formerly of Miami. Here he is free as a bird, hanging out with his fashy friends outside TPUSA. He is 20 years old, killed three people connected to progressive social movements between the ages of 16 and 18, and has never been prosecuted for it.

Several organized Nazi groups were spotted at TPUSA, including the Proud Boys, GDL, White Lives Matter FL, and the new “National Socialist Florida” outfit.

Antifascists Take Down and Destroy Proud Boy Banners in Florida on I-4


Action report from antifascists in Florida.

On July 24th, antifascists spotted a pair of Proud Boys banners on I-4 in Florida on both sides of an overpass near mile marker 55 and pulled them down for destruction, ready for the hungry flames of justice.

The smaller banner read “FAFO” and “CCCPB.” Unknown what CCCPB means: chapter name, a reference to the Klan-linked “Council of Conservative Citizens” or something else? “FAFO” stands for “Fuck around and Find out” – and that’s exactly what the Proud Boys just did – they fucked around and found out!

The larger banner read “We Are Everywhere” with the Proud Boys logo. Since anarchists and antifa are everywhere and the Proud Boys are not, the banner was edited before the fire was lit.

The Proud Boys are not welcome in Florida or anywhere else. Antifa are everywhere, Proud Boys can indeed “Fuck around and Find out” as can any other fascist pieces of shit who dare to challenge us on our own turf.

Draq Queen Story hour in Kensington, MD defended from fash and Jesus freaks, Chicago and Boston not so lucky

On the 23ed of July, a determined community response blocked fascists and “Jesus freaks” from disrupting a family-friendly Draq Queen Story Hour at Kensington library. The fash were kept off the floor where the event was being held, and it went on without trouble. Other cities were not so lucky.

In Boston, Proud Boys barged into a Drag Queen Story Hour, and in Chicago one had to be cancelled after presumed right-wing terrorists trashed the venue the night before. The attackers in Boston shouted “NSC-131” which is a neo-Nazi group containing several members who have been arrested for child pornography.

Another successful community defense of a Drag Queen Story Hour was reported in Montana. The fact that fascists have been able to hit so many targets, and have built up this sort of strengh just 30 days after the Dobbs decision points to a very dangerous acceleration of political instability in the US. Political violence is escalating many times faster than it did in 2020-and that year the US was reported to have the fastest growth of political violence on the entire planet.

WARNING: hate graffiti in photo #4 from Chicago

One or more of the extreme-right protesters in Kensington, MD showed up in this car. Multiple extreme-right stickers on display

These extreme-right activists were unable to get to the downstairs floor at the Kensington Library

Broken door at Uprising Cafe and Bakery in Lake In The Hills, Chicago.
(photo by venue owner via CBS)

Hate graffiti scrawled on Uprising Cafe and Bakery in Lake In The Hills, Chicago.
(photo by venue owner via CBS)

Protesters take steps of Tampa Convention Center from Turning Point USA

UPDATE 7-24: It has been reported that TRUMP himself attended Turning Point USA. In addition to him, open Nazis with Nazis flags also showed up, but apparently were careful enough to stay out of sight of the protesters

Still from Ron Filipkowski video of the hard Nazis at TPUSA

On the 23ed of July, Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA and the groyper-associated “Student Action Summit” held a convention at the Tampa, FL convention center. Furious pro-choice protesters descended on the event and managed to take the steps of the Convention Center itself. MAGAts countered by pushing into and harassing the protest from behind.

The organizing against TPUSA was described as “liberal” yet the situation in the street felt very intense. Somehow the incidents of Trump/DeSantis/TPUSA fascists putting hands on people did not excalate to punches which then would be followed by projectiles. This was a very tight discipline on the part of the protest participants who unlike the fascists were not there for a riot. Still, the current political situation in the US is as combustable as the author of the report has ever seen it, exceeding even the beginning and end of Trump’s 2017-2021 term. During those times, we did not have an active ban on abortion in half the states. There was no bill to impose the death penalty for abortion in NC, and no serious proposal in FL to replace gender affirming care with forcible conversion therapy.

It has been less than a month since Dobbs, and the forces it has unleashed are accelerating at an rate I have not seen in my entire life. We have in two months gone from a “maybe” leaked SCOTUS draft decision to ban abortion to discussions of executions for abortion. Fascist violence is escalating just as fast. From their defeat at J6 they have recovered in a matter of weeks, and they have launched attacks on such things as drag queen story hours JUST THIS WEEKEND in three places: Chicago, Mongomery County, MD, and Boston. Only the MD one proceeded without disruption or cancellation.This is the use of force to enforce gender and sexual conformity, and this sort of hate can end in genocide.

The march rolls in

Taking the Tampa Convention Center steps from TPUSA and groypers

Hungry guillotine for the capitalists who have gone so crazy

This is NUTS

Police threats again fail to stop Kavanaugh home demo

On the 20th of June, protesters again returned to the home of frat boy, rapist and Supreme Court “Justice” Brett Kavanaugh. Police threatened arrests without warning for “noise” but no arrests were attempted.

Arrests without warnings for noise violations are probably illegal, though cops claim the MD state’s attorney’s office claims to the contrary. Note that cops are by law permitted to lie at any time. Certainly it is not the normal practice in Montgomery County. Loud parties etc do NOT normally lead to no-warning noise arrests. If this was clearly known to be legal, cops probably would have tried it the previous week when the whole event was not under so many media cameras.

The raw number of cops on the scene was estimated at triple the number from the previous week, itself the scene of police threats and harassement. For all the claims of complaints to the cops, fliers.and.signs supporting the protests still appear in Chevy Chase

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This is Iron Snowflake news, a Turtle Island wide successor to my work on DC Indymedia

That site is DC specific but continent-wide coverage of events across Turtle Island will be provided here. Many stories will be from Florida at this time, and more will come from our remote camera folks working in DC. I myself deployed back to DC (my former home town) for the month of June as the situation at the Supreme Court itself and the homes of the MAGAt “Justices” peaked.

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NOT use trackers unlike youtube, twitter, and worst of all facebook.