On the 22nd of November, one of no doubt a great many vigils remembering Club Q was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico. One of the speakers warned the assembed crowd that over 300 anti-LGBTQ bills have been filed by (GOP) politicians in state houses nationwide. He warned listeners to “arm yourself with knowledge” etc, but the key words “arm yourself” carry another meaning. He also warned that “the shit’s gonna get real.”
Mitch McConnell gets home demo in wake of Colorado Springs shooting
On the 22nd of November, protesters again showed up at the home of Mitch McConnell. This time they were there to demand accountability for GOP promotion of anti-LGBTQ hate in the wake of the armed attack on Club Q in Colorado Springs. Protest chants included “DC Don’t like Fascists,” “2,4,6,8 fascist hate won’t make us straight 5,6,7,8 end the anti-trans hate” and many more.
The raging sewer of GOP and Christian Nationalist hate just killed five people and wounded dozens more. Had patrons not counterattacked and subdued the terrorist this could have been so much worse. Club Q is an LGBTQ venue and was attacked for that reason.
Solidarity protest for Iran marches on White House
On the 19th of November, members of the Iranian disapora and their supporters once again marched in DC demanding the end of the theocratic regime in Iran. After the kickoff rally protesters marched on the Washington Monument and the White House.
This comes a week after (delayed) reports of the theocracy’s parliament voted to beg the courts to impose “severe punishment” on all 15,000 arrestees from the uprising in the country. That report led to fears that all 15,000 would be executed but even in Iran this cannot be done by a legislative bill, only the courts.Iran’s courts however have already sentenced one person to death.
Protesters at the Nov 19 rally in DC said the only people who should be in Iran’s prisons are the members of the regime and especially Khamani. In many places protesters have gone farther, with calls for Khamani’s execution. He won’t be able to run to the United States like the Shah did-unless of course Christian theocrats like Fl Governor DeSantis end up in the White House and other positions of power, AND agree to shelter theocrats of religions other than their own. Iran’s regime is quite literally in it up to their necks, having killed over 300 protesters with gunshots and pellets in street battles.
“Justice” Amy Coney Barrett gets home demo night after Trump’s acceptance speech
The 16th of November was just one night after Trump’s formal announcement that he is running for the White House again. On that night, protesters again returned to the home of “Justice” Amy Coney Barrett, Trump appointee to the court. She also formerly held the title of “handmaid” in the Christian extremist group People of Praise.
Mitch McConnell rammed through Amy’s 2020 nomination to the court as racial justice protests raged in the streets. He reversed his position from Obama’s 2016 SCOTUS nomination, consideration of which he blocked. This was an attempt to ensure Trump could steal the 2020 election but didn’t work. With all this in mind, the 2016-2020 era chant “No Trump, no KKK, no Fascist USA” was brought back for the protest at Amy Coney Barrett’s house on Nov 16.
Amy has been getting these protests back to the May 2022 leak of the Supreme Court’s notorious Dobbs decision. That case permitted many states to immediately ban abortion. It is expected that the next class of arrestees flooding jails in places like Texas will be from abortion cases. This comes as Texas, Tennesee, and other states are criminalizing parents of transgender youth under 18, and fears of a broad pogrom across the South targetting the entire LGBTQ community are growing.
Leonard Peltier walk to justice arrives in DC
On the 13th of November, the final leg of the Leonard Peltier walk to justice, with stops at the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument before finishing the over 1,100 mile walk at the US Capitol. Marchers demanded that Leonard Peltier be released unconditionally from the US prison system, where he has been held hostage for decades for a “crime” he did not commit, for supposedly shooting two FBI agents with rounds ballistics proved his weapon could not have fired. Leonard is a political prisoner.
Peltier’s original codefendents were acquitted in a different trial-and jurors later reported they feared US Marshalls would SHOOT them for refusing to convict Indigenous fighters for an act clearly none of them were “guilty” of. Peltier was convicted in a later trial for supposedly shooting the two FBI agents who had invaded the Lakota reservation at Pine Ridge. There is evidence FBI agents lied on the stand, starting with supposedly entering the reservation pursuing a red truck, when Leonard did not have a red truck all red trucks anywhere near Pine Ridge had been stopped for weeks. Peltier’s SUV was orange and white, it was neither red nor a pickup truck. All of the Indigenous witnesses who testified against Leonard later said they only claimed he had shot the agents because they were personally threatened by the FBI. A ballistics report proved the cartridges from which the bullets striking FBI agents came did NOT match the firing pin in Leonard’s weapon. This was intentionally concealed at trial. The ballistics report proves whatever happened on Pine Ridge that day, no bullet striking any FBI agent emerged from Leonard Peltier’s weapon. Thus he cannot be “guilty” of killing any of them.
On top of all else, under international law, the only crimes committed by anyone at Pine Ridge that day were committed by the FBI. The Indigenous warriors who stood up to the FBI that day are not even accused of doing anything that would not also be done by say, Ukrainian soldiers on seeing Russian soldiers cross their borders armed for war. Whoever did shoot those FBI invaders was a soldier defending their country, nothing less. The “Indian” wars are NOT over.

Park Police in DC attack Counterprotesters disrupting a TERF (anti-trans) rally
On the 7th of November, infamous anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen showed up in DC as part of her nationwide tour. Things got UGLY in DC. Park Police first demanded pro-trans activists move to a nearby spot, then attacked them and arrested one of them anyway for unknown reasons.
The arrest and the charges filed were so spurious that the entire case was no-papered. This is another example of blatantly unlawful, “you can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride” policing. One of the cops running to the scene PUT HIS HAND ON HIS GUN.
He dared not pull it out. One of the most aggressive cops other than this one was Ofc Williams, badge number 647. Just getting him to comply with his legal obligation to produce his badge number required pursuit and active engagement by protesters.
The basic tactic applied by pro-transgender activsts to disrupting the hate speeches at the Lincoln Memorial was the same as that used at a June 23, when “Christian” speakers having no connection to athletics held an event at Pershing Park demanding trans women be excluded from sports. Activists got as close as cops would tolerate them, running bullhorns in siren mode and other noisemakers as loud as possible.
Kellie-Jay Keen has been widely called a TERF (“Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist”) but not much radical feminist in her as she appeared in Miami two days earlier along with three Proud Boys and two hired security guards. She has a history of working with far-right elements, Proud Boys included. Her Miami appearance was an epic fail, with a turnout of just 15 people including herself, the three Proud Boys, two hired security guards, and nine others. S Fl antifascist activists quietly monitored that situation.
Her “USA Speaker’s Corner Tour” not over, if matters continue to escalate as they did from what happened in Miami to what happened in DC, this could get even uglier. There have already been Proud Boys in Miami, and a DC Park Cop unlawfully brandishing a firearm by putting his hand on it while engaged in a conflict. Something about TERF events seems ironically enough to bring out bigoted, testosterone-overdosed meatheads with more brawn than brains on the side of the anti-trans activists.
This tour ends Monday in New York City: let them know they are not welcome ANYWHERE!
Fl Board of Medicine final vote to kill gender affirming care for teens passes,hearing cut off early
On the 4th of November, the Florida Board of Medicine and Florida Board of Osteopathic medicine held a joint hearing to pass an almost total ban on gender-affirming care for teens. Only 8 speaking slots were allocated for pro and anti ban speakers, and a bunch of out of state detransitioners spoke in favor. Those opposing warned the proposal would trigger suicides-and several were physically removed, in one case for calling DeSantis the Nazi he is. The proposal passed, and power to mics was cut off and the hearing ended early.
A number of speakers called out the thousands and tens of thousands of dollars “donated” to DeSantis by many of the Board members. The hearing was so ugly even Fl State Legislature member Anna Eskamani was forcibly removed. This is Fascism in action, and DeSantis has made it plain that he is willing to kill transgender kids to please theocrats. Theocrats globally are known for killing LGBTQ folks anytime they take power, and this is no exception.
There was only one thing actually debated: the Florida Board of Medicine and Florida Board of Osteopathic medicine disagreed on whether to allow gender-affirming care for teens withing very limited university-funded studies. They passed different resolutions, one with and one without the “study” exception. For now, teens already receiving care can still get it,but no doctor can take new under-18 patients for anything but “conversion therapy” without risking their license.
This was not the first time a hearing was cut off early and opponents harassed. The Aug 5th hearing in Ft Lauderdale was cut off after one hour, and multiple opponents were arrested. Almost all public hearings of this type are fakes everywhere, as the usual policy is to make decisions FIRST, then present a “done deal” as though any public input would be listened to.
Photo by Planned Parenthood
W Va women disrupt Supreme Court proceedings, demand voting and abortion rights
On the 2nd of November, three women from W Va got inside the Supreme Court and shouted down the proceedings. They yelled “”We will restore our freedom to choose – women of America vote.” This is one of the only times in all US history SCOTUS proceedings have been forced to pause by disruption inside.
All three were arrested after the fact, with their mission accomplished.
Iran solidarity protests continue in Orlando
On the 29th of October, a rally took place in a park North of Orlando’s City Hall in solidarity with the ongoing “Woman, Life, Freedom” uprising in Iran. While news out of Iran is hard to get, protesters reported that conditions continue to worsen in what has become a war between the government and the uprising.
The figure of 200 protesters killed in Iran is over a week old, and things have gotten worse since then.Also a week ago at least 30 members of the various “security” agencies in Iran had been killed in the fighting. The government has NOT been able to stop the protests no matter how much force they use.
Orlando defends after Drag Queen Story Hour cancelled over threats from Nazis
In the week leading up to Oct 29, five different neo-Nazi groups including the Proud Boys, Patriot Front, National Socialist Movement and two more announced they would assault a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Center in Orlando. Not wanting to bring children into a battlefield, the story hour organizers cancelled but Nazis vowed to show up anyway. On the day of,most were no-show in the face of a powerful community defense
What appeared to be seven Fundamentalist Christian/Trumper protesters DID show up, but they or similar harassers have been at prior Draq Queen Story Hour events at the Center (an LGBTQ space). A handfull of Trumpers were there, but the “StormTrumpers” were nowhere to be found. The National Socialist Movement diverted all the way to Kissimee, moving their rally to harass an all-adult event near Icon Park, not far from Sea World. Between antifa, transgender activists, and beefing between NSM and other groups, they ran up the white flag.
The Proud Boys were spotted driving around the area, but none dared to get out of their cars and challenge the defenders of the Center. In this case, one clear difference between the Proud Boys and the Nazi SA(stormtroopers) they so resemble is that they are cowards. A fight with tough, battle-hardened antifa in a Berlin beer hall circal 1930 would have sent the Proud Boys scurrying back to their basements, just as Orlando did on Oct 29, 2020.
Nobody spotted any sign of Patriot Front or the rest of the fascist groups either. This is a major defeat for them, as they had promised to assemble 60 to 70 fascists and hard Nazis from at least 5 different crews to attack the originally scheduled Drag Queen Story Hour. Instead, only 7 protesters showed up and they may have been the usual religious nutjobs. Proud Boys had at least been in Orlando, but were not up for facing the Center’s defenders without the 5-1 numerical advantage their way of “fighting” seems to require. What a beer hall full of cowards!
THIS is what any Proud Boys scouts passing the Center saw!
Defending the Center
Defending the Center
The Christian Fundamentalists who did show up
Cross ID’s them as religious extremists
This and the previous photo show the sum of the far-right turnout that actually deployed