Fl Board of Health meeting tells trans kids “stop shouting” then votes to ban their medical care

On the 28th of October, the Florida Board of Health met at Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport to finalize rules prohibiting doctors from providing gender-affirming care for trans youth under 18 except as part of a University-run experiment. Trans youth and their supporters were told to “stop shouting” and take this assault in Q&A before the Board voted to toss them under an Evangelical bus.

A proposal to create a registry of all known transgender FL residents was dropped as out of scope of the Board of Health. Trans youth and their supporters were told to “stop shouting” and take this assault in Q&A before the Board voted to toss them under an Evangelical bus. Persumably for intimidation, bike cops rode their bicycles inside the building and into the space where the meeting was held.

This was a supposely public meeting held on private property, and on airport property to boot. In Florida, police have a record of making “trespassing” arrests when things happen they don’t like or people they don’t like show up at these meetings

Iran solidarity rallies held all over the US

On the 22nd of October, supporters of the ongoing uprising in Iran held solidarity protests in cities all over Turtle Island. One of these protests was in DC, another was in Orlando. Still another in LA drew a reported turnout of 40K. One chant heard in Orlando was “one solution-revolution!” Signs called for revolution and regime change in Tehran.

The uprising began as protests after a yong woman was murdered in custody by “morality police” over “improper hijab” or too much hair showing for the theocracy’s tastes. Since then the government has attempted without success to kill the protests by killing over 200 protesters. Usually this sort of thing turns protests into armed insurgency and either revolution or civil war, depending on how much support the regime of the day can muster from the population. Iraq’s insurgency began with a single incident of US troops firing at protesters after a helicopter blew a flag from a minaret and protesters gathered. Syria’s civil war has been said to have begun when parents of a 13 year old protester tortured to death by police were told to “go home and make new babies.” Police murder sows dragon’s teeth.

The history of how this will play out in Iran has yet to be written.The thugs that run the theocracy there have shut down most of the Internet,so just getting news out of the country demands major efforts from hackers and technical experts, or alternately old school smugglers with physical media. Protesters here however are now saying that protest in Iran is over and revolution has begin. If this is accurate, the theocrats unlike the Shah cannot retreat to Washington.

Protesters march on SOD headquarters against killer cop Jason Bagshaw’s return to “duty”

On the 15th of October, protesters showed up at MPD’s Special Operation Division (SOD) headquarters. They were protesting police brutality and Jason Bagshaw in particular. Bagshaw is the killer cop that gunned down David “Lazarus” Wilson over the summer. He has been back on the street maybe a week-but even one day is one day too long.

Towards the end of the protest an especially ugly development occurred. Throughout the protest MPD claimed Bagshaw (who normally “works” at SOD) was off duty. After less than an hour, protesters had to return to the parking lot where those who drove had left their cars. Apparently MPD leaned on the owners of the parking lot, demanding permission to ticket and tow cars. As protesters removed, they were given TWO MINUTES to move their cars-and Bagshaw allowed himself to be spotted nearby. Everyone managed to get cars started up and get out of the parking lot before tickets could be written. Three police tow trucks were spotted standing by, no doubt on Jason Bagshaw’s personal order.

This sort of vindictiveness is what one would expect of a street gang leader or maybe a mafioso from the Godfather. Well, a gang leader is exactly what Lt Jason Bagshaw is: one of the commanders of DC’s largest and most violent street gang, and he has killed with his own hands.

Raw video clips provided by a participant in the march and rally

IMF protest marches force cancellation of morning plenary session

On the 14th of October, a march against the IMF and World Bank split into two units. Cops followed the main march featuring Code Pink’s “tank.” So many cops dedicated themselves to keeping that march off 18th st that it served as bait, allowing the other crew to set up on 18th st and force delegates at the AM plenary to run a gauntlet or protesters. That event was soon cancelled, leaving protesters with victory.

The Code Pink “tank” in front of DAR Constitution Hall while delegates have to run the gauntlet at the back door

Sit-in blockades on the sidewalk. Cops pulled them into the street but it just kept coming

Students meet with school board,demand Arlington stand up to Va Gov. Youngkin’s anti-trans policies

Video-a special education teacher slams Gov Youngkin’s hateful anti-trans policies

On the 13th of October, Arlington County Public School students defied threats from Fascists and met with the school board to condemn VA Governor Youngkin’s vicious anti-trans student policies. They demanded that Arlington hold the line and stand up to this MAGAt governor and the hate he is spreading as much as possible.

Editor’s note: Nationally an incredible wave of hate has been spreading against LGBTQ folks as a whole and especially against trans people. In the wake of Dobbs and spreading abortion bans, religious extremists and hard Fascists have decided trans people are next. These hatemongers now control most of the GOP and think they can literally vote down the right of LGBTQ people to exist.

Already in Texas parents of trans kids are effectively fugitives from so-called “child protective services.” A single doctor visit can out them, as can refusing that doctor visit. Florida (home of DeSantis and “Don’t Say Gay”) is close behind except for not yet targetting parents as well as transgender children and teens. Outright talk of “protective” roundups and camps was invoked by two Arizona GOP operatives, one of them (Kari Lake) a candidate for public office. Just last weekend a drag queen story hour in Silver Spring, MD was assaulted by Proud Boys, who are to Donald Trump as the SA(Nazi stormtroopers)were to Adolf Hitler.

There are real fears in many places that pogroms and concentration camps could be coming, especially if Trump retakes the White House or DeSantis is elected or steals the 2024 election. The spreading wave of hate has the ugly feel of Germany in the late 1920s or early 1930’s.


Noise demo “impedes communication” at G20 presscon at IMF

On the 13th of October, the G20 (20 richest nations reps) attempted to hold a press conference in a ballroom on the 20th st side of one of the IMF’s buildings in DC. Outside, protesters pounded drums, blew whistles and air horns, and even rang cowbells. The noise was so loud protesters were issued ear plugs-and it was admitted the noise interfered with the pres conference.

Protesters on their way to the press conference

Earlier protest demanding the World Bank stop funding Ethiopia’s war in Tigray