Tag Archives: Gaza

Protesters set up Tombstones and children’s shoes in memory of those killed by Israel since Oct 7

On the 2nd of October, protesters against Israel’s war agaist Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran showed up at Orlando’s City Hall for the second day in a row. City Hall is an appropriate place given that Orlando cops like Tampa cops train with IOF troops.

With rows of tombstones and children’s shoes in front of City Hall, an activist read out the names of some of the martyrs who were only ONE YEAR OLD at the time they were murdered by Israel using US-supplied bombs.

The cops mostly stayed out of sight today. Bike cops rode to City Hall, went inside (out of sight) for short time, then rode away probably to another place of concealment. Ever since those videos proving the cops assaulted protesters without provocation on Sep 21 came out, Orlando cops have seemingly hidden themselves in shame from protesters.

Orlando Palestine Solidarity activists kick off week of action around Oct 7 anniversary

On the first of October, protesters gathered at Orlando City Hall to begin a week of actions culminating on Oct 7 for Palestine. Speakers informed the media about the horrific genocide at Israel’s hands, the well over ten thousand prisoners (HOSTAGES!) taken by the IOF, and the current escalation of the war to Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.

A reporter asked if protesters were concerned about the danger posed to protesters at Saturday’s (Oct 5) event by the Orlando Police Department, and was told activists most certainly are. The brutal behavior of the Orlando Police Department including the violent assaults of May 11 and Sep 21 was discussed, along with the harassment protesters have received all year.