Police threats again fail to stop Kavanaugh home demo

On the 20th of June, protesters again returned to the home of frat boy, rapist and Supreme Court “Justice” Brett Kavanaugh. Police threatened arrests without warning for “noise” but no arrests were attempted.

Arrests without warnings for noise violations are probably illegal, though cops claim the MD state’s attorney’s office claims to the contrary. Note that cops are by law permitted to lie at any time. Certainly it is not the normal practice in Montgomery County. Loud parties etc do NOT normally lead to no-warning noise arrests. If this was clearly known to be legal, cops probably would have tried it the previous week when the whole event was not under so many media cameras.

The raw number of cops on the scene was estimated at triple the number from the previous week, itself the scene of police threats and harassement. For all the claims of complaints to the cops, fliers.and.signs supporting the protests still appear in Chevy Chase

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