Alert: Feds raiding Umoja Party activist Omali Yeshtela’s home

As this is written, reports have come in of Federal thugs raiding Umoja Party leader Omali Yeshtela’s home. The supposed target of the investigation is “Russian Influence” but unless Putin is paying reparations for European assaults on Africa while invading Ukraine himself such influence seems highly unlikely.

If Biden’s FBI wants to target a major Russian influence operation in Florida, Trump’s compound in Mar-a-Lago would be a good place to start. It has been proven over and over again that Trump and Putin (BOTH of whom are Fascists) worked together to disrupt and take control of the 2016 US Presidential election.

By comparison, the Umoja Party promotes Black self-sufficiency and payment of reparations by white people for the damage their ancestors inflicted on Black people through slavery, Jim Crow, and so much more. There are outright fortunes built on the backs of slave labor still in existance today,notably Georgetown University in Washington DC, the US Capitol there as well, insurance companies still in business today that wrote policies for slaveowners, and so much more. Removal from the US economic past of the labor stolen from enslaved people would cause the current economy to collapse like the house of cards it is.

Thus, the goals of the Umoja Party (Black liberation) are not compatable with the goals of Putin (conquest of Europe and domination of a continent by one country). This in turn suggests that the real motivations for the raid have nothing to do with Russia and sure as hell have nothing to do with Putin or his invasion and bombardment of Ukraine. Instead, “Russian Influence” is probably being used as a fig leaf to cover continuing and ongoing FBI harassment of anyone who dares to step out of line and challenge white supremacy. After all, the FBI was founded to attack anarchists and other enemies of capitalism, racism and the US government at that time.