“No Sacrifice Zones” protest demands Manchin’s pipeline side deal to climate bill be scrapped

On the 8th of September, opponents of destructive fossil fuel projects and especially the Mountain Valley Pipeline descended on Capitol Hill. They are seeking to block Senate approval of Manchin’s climate bill side deal to “streamline” permitting for fossil fuel projects and “expedite” the Mountain Valley pipeline. One managed to confront Manchin in person.

Manchin demanded this side deal essentially as payment for his vote to pass the Inflation Protection Act with its climate provisions. Indignous communities and others in the paths of destructive projects like the Mountain Valley Pipeline are furious, and many people have committed themselves to stopping this deal-and the projects in question-at any price. Just in Michigan, twelve Indigenous tribes have signed a letter opposing Manchin’s dirty side deal.

The Inflation Reduction Act (which includes the climate/renewable energy provisions) has already been passed. Manchin’s side deal is still pending in the Senate and his deal was with Schumer, not the entire Senate or even all Senate Democrats. This “sidecar deal” is not within the scope of the “reconciliation” process so it needs 60 votes to avoid the filibuster Manchin has so aggressively defended. Manchin will need 10 more GOP votes than the number of progressives among the Dems who refuse to vote for it. This is no “done deal.” If it is defeated all Manchin can do is suck it up, or resign his seat, taking his ball and going home.

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