Cops aggressively defend counterprotest against DC Jan 6 “solidarity” rally

On the 24th of September, J6 insurgents and their supporters returned to DC for the 2nd September in a row. There may have been as few as 80 of them. Two large groups of Proud Boys were spotted outside the city but may have flaked out or othewise not made it in. Cops aggressively fended off and attempted to kettle counterprotesters.

Even though the aggressive kettling attempts and dispersal warnings were the work of Capitol Police, there were reports that coordination of the police reponse (in the rest of the city or including the Capitol unknown) may have been the work of killer cop Jason Bagshaw. Bagshaw is notorious as the murderer of Lazarus David Wilson, whom Bagshaw shot and killed at the Wharf on July 16 2022. It is possible the kettling attempts were fakes aimed at intimidation and dispersal when mass arrests were not authorized, this is a classic Bagshaw tactic.

Photo by Sadie

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