The 3ed of December is a day that shall live in infamy. On that day, neo-Nazis, Christian Nationalist, and other Fascists assaulted drag events in multiple cities almost simultaniously and held at least one standalone hate protest as well.The most extreme incident is the attack on electrical power substations in Moore County, North Carolina. Over 40,000 people lost electrical power, a curfew was imposed, and thousands jammed roads fleeing the county. Schools may be closed until Tuesday or later. Both power line insulators and the sheet metal casings of power transformers are known to be vlunerable to rifle fire. Credit has been all but claimed on Twitter for shooting out the power substations. If this claim is accurate, all of this was for a failed attempt to shut down a drag show, which was successfully held under illumination from flashlights.

Possibly an even bigger deal save that it failed was an attempted bombing of a doctor’s office in Boston, MA. The failed bombing attempt was reported by Miami Antifa News
The next more serious incident was the invasion of a residential neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio by both Proud Boys and Patriot Front. Some of them were seen carrying firearms. An all-ages drag show scheduled to take place in that neighborhood had to be cancelled due to the armed menace represented by these terrorists.In Lakeland, Florida another drag show was successfully held despite threats and a march by hard core neo-Nazis with a “black sun” and WWII German Naval flag showing a swastika.
A planned disruption or attack on a drag queen story hour in New York City failed, reports that anti-Fascist activists successfully intercepted Jovi Val and his Fascist buddies before they could get within range. By itself this is a “normal” incident at this time, but it did occur on the same day as all the others.
Lastly there was the hate rally held on a beach in Ft Lauderdale, FL by Proud Boys, so-called “Gays against Groomers” and several other Fascist and Christian extremist groups, and who knows how many more hate rallies and assaults on drag shows. The message sent by attacking a whole county with no regard for collateral damage is particularily disturbing. The inclusion of both firearms and explosives in the attack template is even worse.
These events (two of them involving firearms) put together suggest a coordinated offensive by far-right terrorists against the LGBTQ community with Dec 3 as either the date of the entire offensive or the start date of something bigger yet. The fash got mixed results this time around, but nobody can let their guard down. What the fascists are clearly angling for is a modern version of Nazi Germany’s 1937 Krystalnacht.