Protest in Jacksonville, FL demands Removal of Confederate Monuments

On the 14th of December, protesters organized by TakeemdownJAX showed up in front of Jacksonville, FL City Hall. They were there to demand removal of all remaining Confederate monuments controlled by the city, including the tall pillar in front of City Hall that formerly held a statue of a Confederate solider. A smattering of Fascists showed up across the street, only one attempted to challenge the rally. With an antifa camera locked onto him, he soon threw in the towel and left without causing any trouble.

After the rally, many participants went inside to speak on the Confederate monument removal issue at a hearing in City Hall. One speaker at the rally reminded everyone that Jacksonville’s City Hall could order them removed that very night.

Confederate monument in front of Jacksonville City Hall
This “stand for the flag, kneel for the cross” Fascist thought better of challenging protesters with an Antifa camera locked onto him. He whined about being filmed without “consent” but was told to stuff it

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