From IGD: Report on antifascist clean-up of the Lakeland, Florida neighborhood, after neo-Nazis dropped flyers.

On the 11th of February, the neo-Nazi group the Goyim Defense League (GDL), threw trash propaganda onto people’s lawns and driveways in Lakeland, FL. The fliers were in bags weighted with corn and with rat food pellets, similar to incidents of KKK flyering where sand was sued to weigh the flyers down.The fascists live-streamed themselves bagging and distributing the fliers, giving antifascist activists in nearby Tampa and Orlando all the information they needed to clean up the trash. A cleanup crew arrived and quickly removed fliers from one polluted area, but due to highly fash-friendly police, a complete sweep wasn’t possible.

Afterwards there was the problem of what to do with GDL’s trash. The bags of damp corn and rat food were dropped into a trash can, and the flyers were fed to the hungry and cleansing flames of a propane torch.Nazi litterbugs are not welcome in Lakeland or anywhere else!

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