Siege of Florida in response to racist hate from Governor DeSantis

Heads up! Florida’s economy may be facing a takedown by our Latinx comrades over anti-migrant hate bill SB 1718.

A truck driver’s boycott (will put the economy under siege as nothing comes in or goes out) is brewing, with Latinx truck drivers vowing nationally to refuse to enter Florida.

Note that there is a national shortage of truck drivers caused by brutal scheduling, the hard-to-get commerical drivers license, and the drug testing associated with that license. There is NO WAY DeSantis, Wal-Mart, or anyone else can replace Latinx truck drivers with white drivers.

Also, even though SB1718 goes into effect July 1, workers have vanished from farm fields and construction sites all over Florida.

Such things as gas and groceries may get scarce here, though spot shortages of foods and long gas lines are the most probablyimmediate effects.

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