West Palm Beach, FL foodshare ticketing draws protest from Food Not Bombs supporters

On the 18th of September, activists furious about repeated ticketing of Food Not Bombs foodshare by West Palm Beach police gathered at City Hall, then marched through a restaurant area.

These tickets carry fines of up to $500-and up to 60 days JAIL TIME. This is an act of war on unhoused people, and an act of war on the entire activist community. Feeding unhoused people in an environment where business owners are trying to turn cities into shopping malls where anyone not making or spending money is considered a tresspasser is a political act. When combined with signs and political outreach it becomes a First Amendment activity, meaning the First Amendment is the only permit Food Not Bombs ever needs.

One businessmen whined to the protesters afterwards that he is moving his business out of the city because he does not like unhoused people. He will NOT be missed, good riddance. It’s business owners of this type and wealthy condo and luxury apartment dwellers that are responsible in so many cities for police harassment of unhoused folks.

In Washington DC it was restaurant owners whining about street vendors that led to huge licensing costs and hassles, the ones that are why DC now cannot get street vendors back after pandemic shutdowns.

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