commentary: Observations on the Colorado Supreme Court booting Trump off the CO GOP Primary ballot

Trump getting kicked off the Colorado GOP primary ballot is interesting. It shows that many inside the system fear a Trump dictatorship will destabilize the US and make the current not quite cold civil war look like a friendly debate.

This of course may well be overturned and is all but guaranteed to go to SCOTUS, where three of the so-called “Justices” are Trump’s handpicked MAGA meatheads. At some point in the near-future, we can expect a major mess in DC centered on SCOTUS, differing from Dobbs in that the Proud Boys, Moms4Liberty, and hard Nazis are much stronger than than those PAAU forced-birthers who turned out for Dobbs.

By now they’ve had time to recruit plenty of new operatives who were not at J20. Quite likely new outfits replace the Proud Boys though, just as they replaced the thugs behind Charlottesville.

It is quite possible that SCOTUS declines to take the case-or that all six non-Trump justices decide J6 was just too much for them. That does not finish off Trump though, as Colorado is not considered a competitive state for him anyway. The main effect to him in both the primary and general elections of being a 49 state candidate is twofold: morale, and the possiblity that one or more states where he could win also boot him.

If Trump is kept out of the whitehouse by state level J6/insurrection/14th Amendment disqualifications, this will be the work of career government people (the ones he calls “deep state” saving their own jobs and “their country” from the dictatorship and/or civil war Trump is so likely to create.

This also could start the fighting now, but such a conflict would be a two sided fight between the open Fascists and the Federal government, with ourselves being able to “lay back and watch the tigers fight” as we did on J6. We made sure BLM Plaza and several unhoused camps were protected as best as we could, but stayed well away from that mess of 20,000 Fascists at the Capitol.

We will still have to deal with the victors but won’t have to fight both of them at once in this scenario.

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