Speakers at Florida Board of Medicine hearing call out board members for bias, hate, and discredited studies

On the 4th of April, the Florida Board of Medicine held yet another hearing about implementing new obstacles to gender affirming care. The agenda items were long, complex consent forms, one with something like 46 boxes to check.

The real issue was open anti-trans bias by several board members who were “hand picked,” presumably by DeSantis. Board member Patrick Hunter was singled out by name for this. Afterwards, the moderator insisted no further public comments address the character or behavior of the board members.

A number of transgender speakers emphasized that transition saved their lives, while years of “therapy” in their teens in leiu of transition proved to be absolutely worthless. The board was also reminded that for a transgender teen, being denied access to gender affirming care is as irreversable as any other decision, as a wrong-direction puberty can require major surgery to correct later.

I may be a cisqueer man myself, but I can imagine few thing worse than puberty in the wrong direction at age 13. These ghoulish board members whine about receiving “threats” at prior hearings, when it is they who are the threat to transgender kids and trans adults too.

It was also mentioned by transgender speakers that while many are fleeing Florida, some are not going anywhere. Like me as a cisqueer man, they are standing their ground, refusing to leave this “Stand Your Ground” state.

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