DC cops under Jason Bagshaw assault “No Pride in Genocide” Capitol Pride blockade

On the 8th of June, pro-Palestine LGBTQ activists blocked the color giuard, MPD contingent, and first few contingents therafter of the Capitol Pride parade. The blockade was to protest sponsors and parade contingents that profit from Israel’s war crimes in Gaza.

DC’s Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) then violently assaulted the blockaders. They did this under the usual leadership of killer cop Jason Bagshaw.

Its worth remembering that Israel will gladly kill LGBTQ Palestinians not for being Queer but for being Palestinian.Thus, “pinkwashing” arguments for suporting Israel are completely invalid. The only hazard to LGBTQ Palestinians that is not also a hazard to LGBTQ Floridians such as myself is the IOF and it is the #1 threat there. Bombs don’t single out LGBTQ folks to spare.

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