Pro-Palestine protesters return to Lake Eola, face harassment

On the 14th of July, pro-Palestine protesters returned to Orlando’s Lake Eola with one message: Fuck Trump, eyes on Gaza! Due to the events of the previous day, the protest was limited to fliering the farmer’s market rather than say, marching through it chanting.

That didn’t stop cops from menacing protesters, in one case almost running over someone’s heel with a bicycle wheel. An event staffer from the farmers market first went to the cops, then whined (on camera) about being filmed! She went on to make excuse after excuse before demanding that activists either NOT HAND OUT LEAFLETS or leave the portion of the park the farmer’s market was in. This can be considered active interference with the objective of stopping the genocide in Gaza.

Note that within hours of the previous day’s Trump incident, the IOF launched a blizzard of attacks to exploit the distraction in the US. This is the same thing they did during the Super Bowl.

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