Dem “New York City Kickoff” afterparty for Kamela Harris stormed by protesters in NYC. Fights with cops and many arrests follow

The video reposted here starts with the disruption inside, then an intense confrontation with cops outside. Smoke flares set off, arrests opposed by the crowd, seems to be some rather serious fighting.

The fight for Gaza is being driven home to the United States, the place the weapons and money for genocide are coming from. Bring the war home! In an earlier video, protesters warn the Harris campaign: No (arms) embargo, no vote!Biden stepping down puts the Dems back in contention, but if Harris won’t force a ceasefire by threatening to cut off funds and money, she could hand the whole mess back to Trump. Gaza is what forced Biden out of the race.The DNC starts this weekend in Chicago, and already rumblings of “Chicago 1968” are being heard. Current President withdrawn from the race over an extremely unpopular war while the US is in political chaos and police brutality against protesters is spreading.

Lots more of scootercasterny’s video of this event originally posted to Twitter/X/Birdchan available w/o an account at

Example, the other posts are near this in her timeline:”Breaking: heavy clashes and arrests after pro-Palestine protesters STORMED Democratic afterparty after Kamala Harris event in NYC

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