8 arrests as Orlando cops threaten, harass, then violently assault Emergency Protest For Lebanon

On the 21st of September, protesters gathered at the Cedar of Lebanon in Orlando’s Lake Eola Park for an emergency march in solidarity with Lebanon. This was just days after the IOF’s exploding pagers, killed at least 13 people and wounded nearly 3,000. This was one of the worst terrorist attacks in modern history, yet the Orlando Police Department (ODP) used every available tactic to harass and threaten protesters. Even a passing driver honking in solidarity with protesters was attacked by this vicious, Israeli-trained gang’s thugs on mountain bikes. Chillingly, that driver appears to have been ordered into a parking garage where cameras could not monitor police behavior. Anything could have happened in there.

Througout the march, cops threatend our own bikers with arrest for being present in the street (where it is LEGALto ride a bike), and were very, very quick to yell threats on the slightest excuse. When the march returned to Lake Eola, cops were overheard talking on the radio and too each other about “when they start blocking traffic” meaning conspiracy on their part to stage a mass arrest if the march filled the sidewalk. Somehow the march made it back to the starting point.

When marchers started dispersing in groups, a pro-Zionist disruptor who had been following the march most of the way latched onto the largest group. The cops then fell back, just out of sight. She began yelling and disrupting, but nobody took the bait and protesters did nothing more than yell.

Slowly a few cops began to reappear, supposedly drawn by the noise. Then suddenly the cops pounced. They claim that protesters assaulted their disruptor but video evidence shows to the contrary. Cops became more and more violent as this went on. In the end, they arrested 8 people. Their behavior and threats throughout the day imply the disruptor was bait and all the arrests had been premeditated. Quite possibly these arrests had been planned prior to the first protester arriving at the meetup spot. The Orlando Police Department (like the Tampa cops) is infamous for training with IOF troops. This explains why the police were literally fighting for terrorists in Orlando on Sep 21, 2024.

Naturally, stories appeared within hours in multiple corporate news outlets, all repeating the same lies from the same police “media release.”

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