National day of action: pro-Palestine marchers take to the street in Tampa

On the 5th of October, pro-Palestine marchers took to the streets in Tampa, FL to condemn Israel’s attacks on Palestine and Lebanon, and US aid for that war. This was an expllcitly pro-resistance march. With resistance fighters in Lebanon inflicting serious losses against Israeli ground attacks on to Lebanon, protester added a new chant. This chant (on the video) is “Lebanon make us proud-take another soldier down!” I think we shall hear a lot of that one going forward.

The 5th of October was a national day of action for Palestine and Lebanon. This was the Saturday closest to the Oct 7 anniversary of the start of Israel’s all-out war of extermination against Gaza.

Street marches for Palestine have been less common in both Tampa and Orlando it seems due to vicious police harassment. With the current scandal in Orlando concerning cops being caught on video assaulting protesters w no provocation, they stayed mostly out of sight in Tampa. At the end of the march, bike cops rode past the dispersal point, as though to say “we have been watching you.”

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