On the 18th of January, in addition to the massive DC March, People’s March events were held all over the so-called “United” States. One of these was in Melbourne, FL and culminated in protesters fanning out on the pedestrian sidepath of the causeway linking the town with the Atlantic coastal barrier island.
As protesters marched back to the original rally point, forced-birth extremists were found set up with the usual graphic antiabortion signs. I personally broke out my antifa flag and started yelling at them. Soon others joined in. The whole thing stayed at the verbal level as 3%er/Proud Boys style violent Trumpist extremists seemed to be absent.
All the same, the march had had to hire trained security guards in case such goons attacked. Such an attack never came, though the march had to avoid the street for fear of giving MAGA drivers a legal excuse (under FL law) for a deliberate ramming attack.