Climate Protesters disrupt Congressional baseball game

Photo by John Zangas

Less than a day before the Congressional Baseball Game and a scheduled disruption, Sen Joe Manchin caved on allowing at least SOME climate provisions into the big “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.” While CCAN cancelled their plans to disrupt the game, Shut Down DC and other groups did not. Protesters displayed banners inside before storms tempprarily shut the game down, while more protested outside

Some of the protesters were demanding the Dems “Seal the Deal” while others demanded Biden deliver on his so far empty words about declaring a climate emergency.Some of the protesters were demanding the Dems “Seal the Deal” while others demanded Biden deliver on his so far empty words about declaring a climate emergency. The existing deal was denounced as not enough, w a demand of “No New fossil fuels.” It was also pointed out that Biden, Sinema, and Manchin are all totally untrustworthy and may go back on their word. There was some ugliness inside the stadium as cops forcibly confiscated some of the banners from activists inside seated in the bleachers There was some ugliness inside the stadium as cops forcibly confiscated some of the banners from activists inside seated in the bleachers.

After being shut down by a “protest by nature” in the form of a thundrstorm, the game later resumed, the GOP shutting out the Dems 10-0 just as they do on human rights issues such as abortion and LGBTQ rights.