SDS speaker vows to return pro-Palestine protest to USF during emergency protest for Gaza

The tenth of August was the day after Israel dropped a US-made GBU-39B Small Diameter Bomb on a SCHOOL in Gaza. Over 100 people were killed. Emergency protests for Gaza were no doubt held in many places, one of these was in Tampa, Florida

A speaker from SDS was at the protest, vowing that as University of South Florida(USF) begins their Fall semester, pro-Palestine protests will return. The tear gas attack on April 29 won’t deter activists. The suspensions and expulsions are just more issues to fight over and won’t stop the protests either

The same speaker called out the City of Tampa for its support of the Florida-Israel Business Accelerator. This is a program assisting Israeli businesses setting up “settlements” so to speak of themselves in Florida and especially Tampa. This in spite of Tampa having one of the largest Palestinian communities in the US and the largest in Florida.

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