Presscon at UCF condemns university and police oppression of Palestine supporters before UCF turns on sprinklers

At a press conference at University of S Florida, speakers conference, speakers condemned the university’s work with Lockheed-Martin and other war contractors doing business with Netanyahu’s regime. They condemned the wholesale violation of student’s First Amendment rights when these investments get protested, and one speaker called for both tuition and donation boycotts until the university divests from war profiteers and drops all charges and trespass orders against student protesters.

Speakers condemned the university’s police attack on last semester’s pro-Palestine encampment. They called out the shocking administration decision to charge a student with trespassing and ban them from campus FOR FLIERING.

They also condemned Saturday’s violent assault by Orlando police against what video proves was a peaceful dispersal after an emergency protest for Lebanon.

As the event continued, the sprinkers suddenly turned on. Had this been an alumni event promoting donations to the university-or had it been a “stand with Israel” event, the sprinklers would not have been activated. Had this event taken place anywhere in Occupied Palestine, the sprinkers would not have been loaded with water but rather with “skunk.” Skunk is an israeli chemical weapon, an extreme maloderant even more powerful and persistant than butyric acid, and it has been fired by IOF thugs inside the US at student protesters at Columbia University.

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