More details from DC including statement by Samuel Mena Jr III, the journalist FIRED BY CBS for setting his own left arm on fire at the Oct 5 protest for Palestine

We have more coming from DC about CBS Journalist Samuel Mena Jr III, who was so disgusted by the “both sides” fake “journalism” his bosses had him peddling that he set his left arm on fire at the Oct 5 DC protest for Palestine. He did so to these words:

“To the 10 thousand children in Gaza that have lost a limb in this conflict, I give my left arm to you. I pray my voice was able to raise up yours, and that your smiles never disappear”

Note that CBS fired him for essentially doing his job by bringing attention to what may be the 21st century’s worst genocide so far. At last report his is still in the hospital for burn treatment. Let’s hope prosecutors don’t try anything nasty in this case.

His full statement has been posted to (copy in reserve in case it gets taken down) and it ends with the same words above that he used in public This part of his statement is also critical:

“How many Palestinians were killed that I allowed to be branded as Hamas? How many men, women, and children were struck with a missile cosigned by the American media? Cosigned by “Samuel Mena Jr?” I joined this industry to serve the people of the state of Arizona that I call home. And now, I understand the reality that is maintaining face for the American Empire.

How much more of our history have I swept under the rug because I was told it was in the past? For how much of my life, was I groomed to aid in facilitating settler colonialism?

Does Hawaii see us as her friend, or does she, along with every other coastal Island, see us as their captors? Did we end World War 2 with the Atomic bomb, or did we become the worlds greatest fear? Where are the history books written by Native Americans?

Am I a product of a misinformation campaign? And if I am, what hope is there for the American people?”

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