“No Sacrifice Zones” protest demands Manchin’s pipeline side deal to climate bill be scrapped

On the 8th of September, opponents of destructive fossil fuel projects and especially the Mountain Valley Pipeline descended on Capitol Hill. They are seeking to block Senate approval of Manchin’s climate bill side deal to “streamline” permitting for fossil fuel projects and “expedite” the Mountain Valley pipeline. One managed to confront Manchin in person.

Manchin demanded this side deal essentially as payment for his vote to pass the Inflation Protection Act with its climate provisions. Indignous communities and others in the paths of destructive projects like the Mountain Valley Pipeline are furious, and many people have committed themselves to stopping this deal-and the projects in question-at any price. Just in Michigan, twelve Indigenous tribes have signed a letter opposing Manchin’s dirty side deal.

The Inflation Reduction Act (which includes the climate/renewable energy provisions) has already been passed. Manchin’s side deal is still pending in the Senate and his deal was with Schumer, not the entire Senate or even all Senate Democrats. This “sidecar deal” is not within the scope of the “reconciliation” process so it needs 60 votes to avoid the filibuster Manchin has so aggressively defended. Manchin will need 10 more GOP votes than the number of progressives among the Dems who refuse to vote for it. This is no “done deal.” If it is defeated all Manchin can do is suck it up, or resign his seat, taking his ball and going home.

Pro-LGBTQ activists confront Proud Boys, fash as extreme right pressures Miami-Dade school board to drop Pride Month

On the 8th of September, the Miami-Dade County school board held a revote on the question of whether to designated October as LGBTQ month. This has been approved before, but now three school board members opposed by Fl Governor DeSantis had been replaced. Both inside and out the far-right hectored them to drop Pride Month. Meanwhile, LGBTQ activists testified inside for keeping Pride Month, and counterprotested Proud Boys and other fascists outside.

The Proud Boys who showed up were some of the least intelligent members of the Proud Boys the author of this piece has ever seen. Big talkers instead of doers too. Counterprotesters at contact range, cops were on the other side of the street. Those cops who did come over palled around with the Proud Boys. For all that, not a single Proud Boy dared to throw a punch and begin the fight-even though the Proud Boys had counterprotesters outnumbered. THere was the sense that the bear mace of Charlottesville or the swirling, pole and knife-armed melee combat of Nov 14, 2020 in DC would have sent these posers running for cover.

Althouth there were concerns for the safety of LGBTQ speakers leaving the meeting inside, precautions were taken to ensure Proud Boys or other attackers (if the Proud Boys were bait) didn’t get any easy oportunities. On top of all else, most of the talk from the Proud Boys took the form of personal attacks on the physical appearance of LGBTQ activists counterprotesting them.

Unfortunately, DeSantis’s thugs inside the school board itself were strong enough to kill Pride Month, which was voted down 8-1. This will not be forgotten and will have consequences.

Proud Boys throw white power hand signs


On the 5th of September, the DropKiwiFarms campaign announced victory! The anti-LGBTQ/anti-neurodivergent doxxing and hate site kiwifarms(dot)net had just been booted off Cloudflare for “imminent threat to human life,” and less than 24 hours later their backup Russian DDOS protection (DDOSguard) also booted them. Now both kiwifarms(dot)net and kiwifarms(dot)ru are down. This is what you get for SWATTING and for trying to localize and kill a transgender activist holed up in Belfast. This is what you get for blizzards of shooting and bomb threats against transgender civilians-and for thinking you can also escalate to SWATTING a sitting member of Congress and get away with it. So what that the Congresswoman is outright Fascist Marjorie Tayler Greene: KiwiFarms SWATTED her, then tried to claim it for transgender youth, presumably hoping to start a war that would end in many police raids. It didn’t work.

Instead, a campaign lasting just one month has taken down a major terrorist platform responsible for at least three deaths. Who’s the “lolcow” now, Kiwi Farms?


Seminole County, FL GOP headquarters trashed

On the morning of August 29, Seminole County GOP fascists found their headquarters tagged with “Eat Shit Fascists.” In addition the locks were glued, forcing the GOP MAGAts to break into their own office by the back door. Seems they do everything by the back door…

Some GOP scumbags citing the text of the artwork blamed Biden’s statement calling Trump and the MAGA Republicans “semi-fascist” but millions understand there’s nothing semi about this breed of fascism. The only thing missing is a foreign war of aggression, possibly due to Trump’s bone spurs and “war record?”

When Trump was in office, he put children in cages on the border, some of whom still have never seen their parents again. When he was defeated in the 2020 election, his MAGAt friends attempted to overturn the election by force of arms on Jan 6, 2021. Just this past week two GOP operatives in Arizona issued a call for rounding up LGBTQ folks and imprisoning them in concentration camps. The GOP has banned abortion for about 1/3 of all women in the US, which will kill tens of thousands of cisgender women and trans men and subject millions more to forced pregnancy. Speaking of trans, Texas governor Abbot and Fl governor DeSantis are by legislation demanding forcible detransition for transgender youth, if necessary under the guns of the police and so-called “child protective services.”

Those who bring suffering and death to tens of millions should consider it an act of great forbearance that someone striking back after all that GOP violence chose to limit themselves to spray paint and “extra security” on the front door locks. Wars have been fought over much less than this, for control of oil or a dam on a river.

Armed antifascists block MAGA/Proud Boys from attacking drag brunch

Video by Steven Monacelli: one of the right wingers tries to start shit with the cops, gets no response

On Aug 28, a drag brunch in Roanoke, Texas sold out every last seat in spite of fascists showing up to protest. One of the “protesters” was a Proud Boy armed with a barbed wire wrapped bat. Crazy MAGAts and Proud Boys have stormed drag events earlier this Summer, but this time around, the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club was on the scene, fully armed with modern rifles. Their role was defense against and prevention of far-right violence, and their mission worked. The drag brunch was a huge success and the intended disruption a total failure.

Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club armed and ready if the Proud Boys want violence-Photo by Steven_Monacelli

Drag Brunch 100% sold out! Photo by Steven_Monacelli

Some of the right wing “protesters”- Photo by Steven_Monacelli

Proud Boy with barbed wire wrapped bat. THIS is why the defenders needed guns! Photo by Steven_Monacelli

Protesters at Alito’s house again invoke Matthew Hale and witch burning

On the 27th of August, protesters returned to the N Va home of Supreme Court “Injustice” Samuel Alito yet again. This time around, the protest focussed on Alito’s use of Matthew Hale’s writings as source material for the Dobbs/abortion ruling. Protester, one dressed as a “Halloween Witch” called out Matthew Hale’s executions of women for witchcraft.

These protests take place typically 5 days a week at the homes of all the antichoice “Justices” only the highlights are posted here for volume reasons. Reportbacks on most of them available at https://dcindymedia.org

Photo by Mel

Still from video clip by Mel

Photo by Mel

Photo by Mel

Photo by Mel

Patriot Front Posters removed, burned in Lakeland, FL

Some time before August 23, Patriot Front polluted downtown Lakeland, FL with their usual racist and fascist posters. They didn’t last long. Anti-Fascists activists tore down and burned what was still visible on Aug 23, but the City of Lakeland’s graffiti removal teams and/or local citizens had already taken care of much of the problem. The remnants found on Aug 23 were turned into Patriot Front fondue with fire and a steel pot.

Pro-choice activists protest at White House demanding Biden declare a public health emergency for abortion care

On the 23ed of August, pro-choice protesters showed up in front of the White House with a single demand: that US President Joe Biden follow through with his earlier remarks about declaring a state of Public Heath Emergency over abortion access.

Biden or his advisers have previously floated the idea of declaring a federal state of emergency (similar to what was done for covid) to block anti-choice states from interfering with the mail or the right to travel across state lines for abortion. There has been pressure on Biden to go further and have the Federal government itself provide abortion services off of Federal land.

Many of the anti-abortion states have huge amounts of land controlled by the Bureau of Land Management or the US Park Service as well as sprawling military bases and downtown Federal buildings. All of these are places doctors employed by the Federal government could provide abortion services with likely immunity against state prosecution. States would instead have to attempt to prosecute the Federal government itself and would be “Trumped” so to speak by sovereign immunity.

Photo by Mel

Photo by Mel

Photo by Mel

Protesters disrupt DeSantis “Education Tour” event as Proud Boys glower outside

On the 21st of August, Florida’s religious extremist governor Ron DaSantis held a campaign rally at of all places Metro-Dade Firefighters Local 1403. The rally was for his far-right agenda in the schools and school board candidates he supports. Two protesters managed to get inside and disrupt the event while Proud Boys tried and failed stop more protests from being held outside.

Every time Proud Boys and Fascists attempted to close on the protesters, the cops realized the resulting battle would go poorly for the Proud Boys and the press would be awful for DeSantis. This resulting in cops doing the jobs of anti-fascists themselves, pushing their fellow fascists away from the protesters. Cops made threats of “trespass” events against the protesters, only to have the media “engage with large caliber video cameras” which caused the cops to back off.

Memmbers of the Vice City and Broward County chapters of the Proud Boys and so-called “Moms for Liberty” were spotted outside the event.

Special thanks to Thomas Kennedy for the close-up clip of the disruption inside, nearly in the Governor’s face!

The protest against DeSantis (Photo by Jonathan DeCamps)

We Say Gay!(Photo by Jonathan DeCamps)

Anarchists push into the street(Photo by Jonathan DeCamps)

Proud Boy and J6 defendent Gabriel Garcia poses with the protest against DeSantis in the background. Two middle fingers, zero follow-through

This is the pro-DeSantis counterprotest by Proud Boys and other Fascists. Short man waving ID’d as Alexander Thomas, Chris Barcenasis in the white shirt to the left of him, Chris Nelson (also on the video) in the cowboy hat. On right, older man holding flagis Herbert Silver.