On the 13th of May, explicitly Fascist group Patriot Front staged another one of their “mass marches” of a hundred or so in Washington DC. A solo counterprotester called them out, demanding the “get a job,” calling them “incels,” the works.
It is known they came in on the Metro Red Line from Glenmont(what do you wanna bet their cars were parked there!) and that they apparently had to dump their flags and shields to get back on the Metro to escape the city. Unknown if they had anyone in position to retrieve them, or if someone else captured the whole lot.
Back on Dec 4, 2021, they tried U-hail trucks for transportation from their “vehicle exchange point.” Two of the three U-hauls were disabled, trapping them on the VA side of Key Bridge for hours after their rally. When they finally got back to their cars, every one of them had been trashed as well. Their sentry claimed to have been run off at gunpoint, but more likely was sleeping on watch. Explaining the damage to their two rented U-haul trucks may have been the high point of Dec 5 2021 for them. This time around, they rode Metro instead of driving…

Patriot Front boarded Metro at Glenmont, using only the last car