Annual forced-birth march draws disruption, extremists

On the 19th of January, the so-called “March4Life” marched on the Supreme Court in Washington DC. Both on the Mall and at the Supreme Court they faced solo or paired counterprotesters with loud bullhorns. On the Mall, cops removed them but at SCOTUS they were able to stay put.

Some of the lowlights of the march were “Make more Babies” signs carried by a number of marchers, and the appearance of the Christian Nationalist group “New Columbia Movement.” They met up with Patriot Front, but here the crowd drew a line.

Citing the fact that Patriot Front was at Charlottesville (as American Vanguard) other forced-birth marchers jeered them. As the march began, they threw in the towel and left: a few (presumably Rousseau and his top henchment) by a rented U-haul truck and the rest by Red Line Metro. They got off at Shady Grove.

Also present were signs supporting the “White Rose Resistance” a name associated in the past with clinic bombing, and other signs mentioning guns or with variations on the Gasden (rattlesnake) flag. These imply potential militia activity around abortion.

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