Harriet’s Wildest Dream puts on DC’s Women’s March event

On the 20th of January, the annual Women’s March events took to the streets again. This time, the main event was out West but many cities including DC had events as well. In DC the event was bottomlined by the community activists of Harriet’s Wildest Dreams.

A bit past halfway through the startup rally on Freedom Plaza, fetus-stealing PAAU (so-called “Progessive Anti-Abortion Uprising”) tried to steal the show. They invaded the Plaza with bullhorns but didn’t have the numbers to seriously challenge Harriet’s Wildest Dreams.

Notably, PAAU (best known for stealing fetuses from clinics to baptize and bury) was calling abortion “murder,” which is tantamount to a call for executing women who get underground abortions. One of the speakers from Harriet’s Wildest Dreams recounted having had a miscarriage and pointed out that Black women are already being sent to jail and prison over miscarriages under a variety of racist and misogynistic laws.

PAAU attempted to hassle the front of the march all the way to the White House, but their bullhorns lacked the sound power for that job. On 15th st, a second group of counterprotesters had been lying in wait like infantry in an ambush. On seeing the march they opened up with bagpipes, in the process insulting and fouling rather nice musical instruments. Both groups followed the march into the White House but were heavily outnumbered.

Both at Freedom Plaza and at the White House, the counterprotesters were in turn counter-counter protested.

One of the counterprotesters (at end of video) turned out to be a known J6 (Capitol Insurrection) participant. The men among them were called out as being men trying to tell women what do with their bodies.

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